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Large, easy-care indoor plants

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Monstera or Adam's rib

Monstera or Adam's rib

Monstera deliciosa, popularly known as monstera or Adam's rib, in addition to being one of the most instagrammable plants, is one of the most resistant and ideal indoor plants when you have low light, it is also one of the largest indoor plants. Originally from the lush jungle, it is a climbing plant that can reach many meters. Outdoors, up to 20 meters, and indoors, up to 3 meters (although there are specimens that exceed them).

  • Care Place it in a place away from direct sun and water it frequently but not too much water, since it does not tolerate puddling. Never leave water on the plate or in the pot in which you have it and let the soil almost dry out before watering it again.

Elephant's Foot Yucca

Elephant's Foot Yucca

Yucca (Yucca sp.) Are plants with a bearing similar to palm trees that are very grateful because they are very undemanding in terms of maintenance. In addition to being grown outdoors both in the ground and in a pot (it is one of the ideal outdoor plants for your patio or garden), there are also varieties that are used as an indoor plant such as this Yucca elephantipes , popularly known as elephant foot yucca by the texture of its trunk.

  • Care Place it in a bright place and water it sparingly, since overwatering can cause the roots to rot. Let the soil dry out before watering again. In summer, it is usually enough once a week and, in winter, every two weeks. It is not necessary to spray water on the leaves as it tolerates dry environments very well.

Ficus benjamina

Ficus benjamina

Its tree-like appearance makes Ficus benjamina one of the most appreciated large indoor plants. Indoors and in optimal conditions, it can reach up to 3 meters. In addition, like most varieties of ficus sold for homes, it is one of the indoor plants that can be in low-light spaces and is not demanding in terms of maintenance.

  • Care It can be both in a bright place (but without direct sun) and in a semi-shady place. Water it only when the soil is no longer moistened and without waterlogging.

Ficus lyrata

Ficus lyrata

The Ficus lyrata is another large indoor plants common in homes. It can reach 2 meters and, due to its similarity to the fig tree and its showy leaves with a shape reminiscent of the lyre or the violin, it is also known as the violin leaf fig tree.

  • Care Like many indoor plants, it is not fond of direct sunlight. better high but indirect luminosity and moderate waterings, more frequent in summer and spaced in winter. Until the point is caught, it is better to fall short; since it tolerates drought much better than excess water. And never leave his feet wet, that is, a plate underneath with water. If it is left over after watering it, remove it.

Fine leaf dracena

Fine leaf dracena

Due to their miniature palm-like appearance, both the fine-leaved dracaena ( Dracaena marginata ) and most of the dracans marketed as a houseplant purify the air in homes and are ideal for adding an exotic touch to any corner. of the house. However, be careful if you have pets as its leaves can be toxic to both dogs and cats.

  • Care It supports practically all light conditions, although better not direct sun. And you only have to water it when the soil is dry and without waterlogging it.

Photo: IKEA

Trunk of Brazil

Trunk of Brazil

Another very popular dracena among tall houseplants and very hardy houseplants (suitable for deniers) is the Brazilian stem ( Dracaena fragrans ).

  • Care He likes well-lit environments, but better with indirect sun. As in the case of the fine-leaved dracena, you only have to water it when the soil is dry and without flooding it.

Areca or yellow palm

Areca or yellow palm

Dypsis lutescens, known as areca or yellow palm tree, is a highly valued plant in interior decoration for its lush, tropical appearance and ease of maintenance. It can reach 3 meters. And, in addition to being a plant suitable for dogs or cats, it purifies the air in the house.

  • Care It wants light, but not direct sun. And it wants humidity, but not waterlogging. In other words, you have to water it regularly (once a week in summer and every two in winter, for example) but do not allow water to remain in the dish or the pot cover. And it also wants ambient humidity. To achieve this, spray it often with a spray of water or put it in the shower once a week. And don't put it next to a radiator.

Bamboo palm

Bamboo palm

The Raphis excelsa, commonly called the bamboo palm because of its resemblance to bamboo, is another of the largest indoor plants that purify the air. It can reach 2 to 3 meters in height.

  • Care Indoors, it must be in a bright place but without direct sun. The humidity of the environment should be high (spray the leaves with water) and the waterings should be moderate in winter and more frequent in summer, but never let it puddle or water in the dish below or the pot covers.

Pachira aquatica

Pachira aquatica

Very appreciated for its exuberant and large palmate leaves, the pachira aquatica , popularly called the Guayana chestnut, is a plant that can grow up to 2-3 meters indoors and is usually marketed as if it were a small tree with two or three attached specimens. by braiding their trunks (as seen in the image).

  • Care Indoors, it must be in a bright place without direct sun, since its leaves in these environments grow more tender and are susceptible to burns. It requires high humidity, spray it with water regularly and keep it away from heating or drafts. Water more often in summer than winter, and always ensuring that the substrate dries slightly between one watering and another.

Photo: IKEA



The Howea forsteriana , known as Kentia, was for many years one of the largest indoor plants most appreciated. However, nowadays, it is not used as much because it needs a lot of space to grow. Apart from the fact that it can get quite high (about 2 meters), as it grows its leaves tend to fall sideways, requiring a considerable diameter in its location. For this reason, it is ideal for very large spaces where you want to add a green dot, but not so much for small floors.

  • Care It tolerates being both in semi-shade and in full light, but without direct sun. It also needs a certain humidity. To do this, you have to moisten the leaves with a water spray periodically. It is important to use water without lime so that the tips of the leaves do not turn brown. And do not overwater it or let it puddle because the roots can rot. As a general rule, once a week in summer and every two in winter.