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100% Guilt-free: light and delicious pizza

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380 g of flour
25 g fresh yeast
12 anchovies
30 g of capers
16 pitted black olives
4 tablespoons of tomato puree
8g salt

(Traditional version 590 kcal - Light version 370 kcal)

The pizza is not exactly a light meal, but do not have to definitively banish your recipe. Although it may seem impossible, you can make a light pizza by lowering its calories considerably with some simple and infallible tricks.

First of all, making a homemade pizza dough guarantees a dough without added fats, preservatives or other undesirable ingredients.

Then it is very effective to stretch the dough as much as possible. This way you get a fine, fine and super light base that will be very crunchy and will not be excessively heavy.

Making a homemade dough, stretching it well and avoiding high-calorie ingredients is the key

And finally, go for low-calorie ingredients for the topping and low-fat or light cheeses . Which is precisely what we have done in our light and delicious pizza by opting for anchovies and a light mozzarella instead of another greasier cheese.

But there are endless options. Another, for example, would be to go from anchovies and mozzarella and put roasted vegetables. You will have a super light pizza, delicious too, and 100% vegetable. In other words, suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

How to do it step by step

  1. Start the dough. Dilute the yeast in a bowl with 200 ml of warm water. Then add two tablespoons of flour, stir and let it rest for about 10 minutes.
  2. Complete the dough. Add little by little and stirring as you incorporate 300 grams of flour sifted with the salt. When you're done, knead the mixture for about 5 minutes on the floured work surface. And finally, form a ball and let it rest for 30 minutes, covered with a cloth, until it doubles in volume.
  3. Stretch the dough. Once the resting time has passed, cut the dough into four portions (one per person) and roll them out well with the rolling pin.
  4. And assemble the pizza. First, spread a tablespoon of tomato sauce on each of the dough portions that you have rolled out and cook them for 8 to 10 minutes in a preheated oven at 200ºC. Then distribute the mozzarella, anchovies, capers and olives. Bake again for another 5 or 6 minutes. And equilicuá, pizza ready and ready to eat.

Clara trick

To work the dough well

In addition to sprinkling the work table with flour so that the dough does not stick, also flour the rolling pin.