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Light legs in summer with venorutox

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This summer say goodbye to tired legs

Sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition and heat are some of the factors that hinder blood circulation in the extremities and cause what we know as "tired legs." But by taking a series of precautions, it is easy to prevent it and feel lighter than ever. Take note.

Activate your legs

You already know that of "who moves the legs moves the heart". The best way to promote circulation is to practice moderate exercise regularly. Walk at least 30 minutes a day at a brisk pace. And now that the good weather is here, take the opportunity to walk along the shore of the beach or do swimming or aquagym. Avoid showers with very hot water. Better warm and finish with cold water, directing the jet from the ankles to the thighs.

Take care of your clothes and your diet

Try not to wear tight clothing and high heels, as they hinder venous return. When you are sitting, try not to cross your legs. And when you get home, lie on the floor and raise your feet for a few minutes, supporting them on the wall.

Excess salt in the diet promotes fluid retention and makes tired legs worse. Reduce it by seasoning your dishes with spices. And consume more fruits and vegetables, rich in potassium, with a purifying and diuretic effect.

Venorutox Light Legs

The advice we have given you is essential to help prevent the symptoms of tired legs. But often, especially if you spend many hours standing or sitting, extra help is needed. Venorutox Legs Ligeras is a food supplement that contains butcher's broom, centella, vitamins C and E and magnesium. Its plant extracts (butcher's broom and centella) promote proper circulation of the legs, essential to avoid the feeling of heaviness.

Vitamin C helps the formation of collagen, and vitamin E contributes to the protection of cells against oxidative damage. Also, magnesium helps reduce tiredness and fatigue. Venorutox Light Legs is easy to take (only one sachet a day), you do not need water and it has no sweeteners, preservatives or colorings.