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Patricia montero in clara de abril magazine

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We would not exaggerate if we say that this number is one of the happiest that we remember. The colors of the cover, the flowers, the content and our protagonist, Patricia Montero , have made us happy the month of April. The actress exudes sympathy and good taste so we couldn't be happier with the result. How about?


In the first interview we did with her in Clara, Patricia told us that "I am a happy person, aware of how fortunate I am and how lucky I am to be able to dedicate myself to what I like." And now, several years later, she's still thinking the same thing! Do not miss the complete interview in the April Clara Magazine.

Do you know the Garaulet Diet?

In addition, in the April issue we tell you everything, everything and everything about The Garaulet Diet , which will help you lose 2 sizes. This diet works because in addition to telling you what and how much to eat, it tells you when is the best time to eat it so that your body is more predisposed to losing weight. It is a demanding diet in the first phase, but soon you are at your weight and you can incorporate some extras. In the magazine you will find a guide on what you can eat each day and easy and delicious recipes for your menus.


The best fashion and the latest in beauty

Do not miss the best selection of clothes with super powers and bring out the best version of you. You will love the tricks to get a capsule wardrobe using only 15 wild card items, although if you want to renew your wardrobe for little money, go directly to page 92 of the April issue!

We have the best for mature skin, the tricks that will take a few years off your shoulders and we will tell you what are the makeup trends in spring and which one best suits your skin.

But there is still more …

And since it does not end here, also discover what vitabiotic foods are (and how you can be healthier without taking pills), 10 delicious quick dinners that are not from a can) and how to get a flat stomach.