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You can't imagine what they did to lady gaga in college


Things are going very well for Lady Gaga. She is the only artist in history to have won a Golden Globe, a Grammy, a BAFTA and an Oscar, all in the same year. But it was not always like this. After winning the Oscar Award for Best Original Song for Shallow, the Facebook group in which the singer was bullied when she was studying at university came to light. Her "classmates" told her she would never be famous.

"When Lady Gaga was in college they created a Facebook group called 'Stefani Germanotta, you will never be famous.' Now she is the first woman in history to have won an Oscar, Grammy, Golden Globe and BAFTA, all in the same year. "We read on Twitter. In three days, the tweet accumulates almost 150,000 retweets and exceeds 500,000 'likes'. The singer did not take long to silence all those who bullied her at university.

Unfortunately, it wasn't the only time that Lady Gaga had to face insults. "When I was little, they called me fat and laughed at my appearance. I did not fit into any group. I want to tell my fans that it is not bad to be different," she once said. And in 2010, in an interview with Cosmopolitan, he said: "I have had to swallow a lot of insults and laughter from people who told me that I did not fit in because I was' too pop 'or' too theatrical."

In addition, he confessed that he had been with a boy who also did not believe in his success. "My ex told me I would never succeed. I was with a guy who told me I would never succeed, that I would never be nominated for a Grammy, that I would never succeed with my songs, and that he constantly reminded me that he expected me to go wrong." But the singer answered him. "Someday when we are no longer together, you will be unable to order coffee in a coffee shop without hearing or seeing me," he said.

How wrong they were all! The success of the singer is a full-blown zasca for all those who laughed at her in her day.