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Real women who inspire us

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Meryl streep

Meryl streep

If we concentrate, it seems that we can still hear his speech at the Golden Globes as he collects his honorary award. With a broken voice, he vindicated the diversity of Hollywood and was dispatched at ease against the current situation in the United States. “Disrespect incites more disrespect. The violence, to more violence ”.

Kate winslet

Kate winslet

"When I was 14, my acting teacher told me that I could settle for fat girl roles. No young woman who has been dismissed by a teacher, by a friend or by her parents, should listen to any of that, because that is what I did. I continued and overcame my fears and insecurities. I would like to dedicate this award to all the girls who doubt themselves. " Bravo Kate! (Bafta Awards 2016).

Sophia loren

Sophia loren

In addition to becoming one of the beauty icons of the 1950s, Sofia Loren won the Oscar for Best Actress for Two Women , a film that explicitly portrayed sexual violence and abuse against women (a theme for the that we continue to fight to this day) . It was the first time that award was given to someone who had acted in a non-English-language film. "Aging can be pleasant if you are satisfied with what you have achieved and if you continue to retain the illusion."

Emma Watson

Emma Watson

Despite her young age, the protagonist of Harry Potter has become an icon in the fight for gender equality. "Feminism has been mistaken for hatred of men, but by definition it is the belief that men and women have equal rights and opportunities."

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie

In addition to her beauty and movies, Angelina Jolie is also known for her tireless fight for feminism. "There is no greater pillar of stability than a strong, free and educated woman, and there is no more inspiring role model than a man who respects and values ​​women and celebrates their leadership."

Audrey hepburn

Audrey hepburn

Perhaps the protagonist of Breakfast with Diamonds did not stand out for an excessively feminist work but she managed to break with the beauty canon established until now, opting for short hair and fleeing from the exuberance of the body. "If you follow all the rules, you miss all the fun".



Another of the most inspiring speeches we remember is Madonna's at the Billboard Women In Music . A message about the sexism of the music industry. "Her resistance has made me stronger, it has made me push harder, it has made me the fighter I am today and it has made me this woman . "



His lyrics are sometimes a real punch on the table, a statement of intent, making it clear that feminism is simpler than we think: "It is just a person who believes in equality for men and women. Men and women complement each other and we need to get to the point where we are comfortable appreciating each other . "

Susan sarandon

Susan sarandon

Who decides up to what age a woman can wear the cleavage that she likes? Exactly, nobody! And after the controversy generated by the look of Susan Sarandon at the SAG Awards, we are even more convinced of it! After the criticism that the actress received, a parallel protest movement was raised in social networks in favor of the freedom of each woman, to dress as she wants. "It is better to have made decisions that ended badly and learn from them than to feel that you have not had a choice .

Coco Chanel

Coco Chanel

And if someone "freed" the woman, that was undoubtedly Coco Chanel. She said goodbye to uncomfortable corsets, oversized hats, and ornate garments. Her revolutionary tweed jacket suit was followed by the (so helpful) white shirt, small and functional hats, comfortable bags to hang over the shoulder … She understood what the woman of the time needed and simply provided it. “The bravest act is to think for yourself. Out loud ” .

Annie leibovitz

Annie leibovitz

One of the most recognized photographers worldwide is undoubtedly Annie Leibovitz. She was the first woman to exhibit at the National Portrait Gallery in Washington DC and received, in 2013, the Prince of Asturias Award. In 2015, she turned the 2016 Pirelli calendar, betting on feminism and natural beauty. "For me, photography represents life itself . "

The International Working Women 's Day commemorates the struggle of women to get a role in society, like that of man. Every March 8 we celebrate the struggle of many women throughout our history. To thank all that women have done for today's society and for all that we still have to do, we have selected those familiar faces (of yesterday and today) that inspire us to continue with this fight.

Speeches, attitudes, ways of thinking, revolutionary women … This gallery is a tribute to all these women (and many more that we would add) who, for one reason or another, have managed to shake society or, at least a part of she.

And who inspires you?

Happy International Women's Day!

By Laura Hernandez.