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Easy weekly menu to eat well and never diet again


Carlos Ríos is the promoter of the Realfooding movement. The goal of the influencer and nutritionist is for you to regain your passion for real food and to disengage from ultra-processed foods. Realfooding is not a diet, it is a lifestyle. A lifestyle that will have a good impact on your health and will make you have a healthy weight.

This month, CLARA magazine comes with a very special surprise that will help you regain that passion for real food. Sign up for real food. Goodbye diets, change your life forever is the new thing about Carlos Ríos. A complete but very easy guide that explains the keys to eating real food and that also includes a complete monthly menu as well as more than 25 realfooding recipes for all tastes.

To get you going ( pun intended ), we offer you one of the realfood weekly menus prepared by Carlos Ríos for free. You know, if you like it, run to the newsstand to get your CLARA magazine pack and sign up for real food .

  • Download Carlos Ríos's weekly menu for free