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Ways to purify the air in your home to create a fresh and clean environment

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We have to spend a few days indoors and having a fresh environment in our home will make our confinement much more pleasant.

Living in an air 'polluted' by the toxins that radiators can emit or that are present in the cleaning products or air fresheners themselves can lead to health problems in the short, medium and long term, from allergies to respiratory problems, so you have to take it more seriously than we think. Write down these six tricks to purify the air in your home and take care of yourself and your family.

We have to spend a few days indoors and having a fresh environment in our home will make our confinement much more pleasant.

Living in an air 'polluted' by the toxins that radiators can emit or that are present in the cleaning products or air fresheners themselves can lead to health problems in the short, medium and long term, from allergies to respiratory problems, so you have to take it more seriously than we think. Write down these six tricks to purify the air in your home and take care of yourself and your family.

Ventilate properly

Ventilate properly

Ventilation is key to keeping the air in our home cleaner and healthier , and the key is in something as simple as opening the windows . But you have to know how to do it. Neither by excess nor by default, the windows should be opened between 10 and 30 minutes a day, since once our house is ventilated, polluted air from outside can enter creating the opposite effect. Opening windows and ventilating is necessary to reduce the concentration of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) present in cleaning products and even cosmetics. In addition, it will regulate humidity and bad odors.

Avoid toxic products

Avoid toxic products

Every day we use many products that dirty the air in our home creating an effect contrary to what we are looking for. For example, the build-up and overuse of highly toxic cleaning products like bleach or ammonia . In addition, many times, we abuse 'bad candles' made with petroleum derivatives such as paraffin. Burning candles can lead to serious health problems over time, as well as making the air in our home excessively polluted. If you love candles, get a vegetable wax, even if they are not cute. As for cleaning products, it is necessary to have them, but do not accumulate them: trust 2 or 3 and if they have organic certification, better.

Cleaner air with natural products

Cleaner air with natural products

There are countless products that we already have at home that help make cleaning just as effective and infinitely less 'polluting'. For example, bicarbonate, homemade soaps, essential oils (which we can also use in a humidifier and smell great) or white vinegar, one of the most powerful cleaners and with a lot of uses.

Optimum humidity level

Optimum humidity level

The environment at home can be neither excessively humid nor very dry. Ideally, the humidity at home is between 35 and 45%, which we can achieve by opening the window for the necessary time, putting bowls of water if the environment is very dry or with indoor plants that have a high purifying effect.

Talking about indoor plants

Talking about indoor plants

Indoor plants purify the air as well as being a decorative element that helps us gain comfort and balance when we are at home. The presence of indoor plants in spaces makes them healthier because they mitigate noise, reduce static electricity and purify the environment. We tell you all their powers as natural air cleaners here.

Natural fragrance

Natural fragrance

Do not dirty the air in your home by abusing air fresheners and trust essential oils , which create very pleasant environments in a natural way. On the other hand, don't hesitate to make use of natural alchemy, such as boiling water with lemon and cinnamon, or with rosemary, which you can then put in a diffuser. In addition to keeping the air in your home healthier, which is more than convenient at this time, it can be a sensory experience.