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How to remove skin blemishes

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The spots on the skin (especially face) can be uncomfortable and, in fact, are one of the biggest concerns aesthetic. Its causes are various and can appear due to age, the sun, pregnancy … If you are tired of trying to hide them, identify the reason for the spots on your skin and discover the latest techniques to eliminate them.

Too much sun

Solar lentigos are brown, flat, well-defined spots. They usually appear in areas exposed to the sun regularly, such as the face, hands or décolleté.

  • What can you do to clarify them? Put yourself in the hands of an expert professional in intense pulsed light (IPL). With 3 or 4 sessions you will notice that these clear up.

By aging

This type of spots usually appears after 40 in any part of the body. Like the spots due to the sun, they are flat and well defined, although somewhat lighter.

  • Any solution? You can also clear them with IPL, but in this case it is better to use the Q-Switched laser 1 or 2 times.

Hormonal causes

Melasmas or chloasmas are usually located on the forehead, cheeks and perioral area. They are symmetrical and fuzzy. Although they have a genetic component, they tend to be accentuated due to hormonal changes after 30 (pregnancy, taking oral contraceptives, etc.).

  • Which is the treatment? The best techniques are peels with alpha and beta hydroxy acids, together with depigmenting substances such as retinoic acid, hydroquinone, etc.

By inflammation

In this case, the darkening of the area (hyperpigmentation) can be due to several factors: healing processes after having suffered acne; trauma after waxing sensitive areas such as the mustache; or by aggressive treatments such as peeling. These spots are usually more visible on dark skin types.

  • How to combat them? Avoid any situation that "attacks" your skin, use a sunscreen daily and combine low-dose IPL, laser therapy and mild depigmenting.

For unknown causes

Seborrheic keratosis is a raised, brown or black type of wart. It is not known why they appear, but they are benign lesions that can cause itching.

  • Can you remove them? The fractional CO2 laser is an effective treatment that also has no side effects. After its application, the stain disappears, leaving the area a little red for a few days. You can remove them in a single session.

So what can I do to avoid staining?

You have already seen that in many cases the spots on the skin are due to hormonal factors, age or the sun, but you can follow some daily routines that help to avoid or reduce them:

  • Use sunscreen with SPF 50 daily, and also during and after depigmenting treatments to prevent stains from reappearing.
  • The antioxidant serum applied before the sunscreen helps you stop the advance of spots.
  • Avoid pollution, as it increases the appearance of spots by 22% because it produces free radicals.
  • Lean on nutricosmetics, especially those products with antioxidants or active ingredients that prevent tyrosine, the enzyme that causes stains.

And if you want to know if you are using your usual cream correctly, do not miss this post.