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Kakebo method: easy guide to apply the Japanese saving system

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Make a Marie Kondo to your finances

Make a Marie Kondo to your finances

The Kakebo method is to saving what the KonMari method to order. Two Japanese methods that have come to organize (and revolutionize our lives). If you already have Marie Kondo's method of ordering your house and your life at hand, the time has come to put your finances in order and start saving with the Kakebo method.

The Kakebo Method

The Kakebo Method

The Kakebo method is a Japanese savings method that in recent years has become popular worldwide. It is a diary or book of accounts for domestic savings in which you have to record all your income and, of course, all your expenses on a day-to-day basis in order to be able to evaluate them later on a monthly basis and, finally, annually. The key to the Kakebo method for saving is to be aware of everything you spend, what you spend it on, how you spend it and when you spend it. In this way you will be able to keep a more exhaustive control of your money and set goals and limits for saving for each day, for each month and for each year.

Photo: Blackie Books

How can the Kakebo method help you get your finances in order?

How can the Kakebo method help you get your finances in order?

  • Income. Writing down all the money that comes into your favor each month. It can be your salary, tips, gifts, etc.
  • Fixed costs. Subtract from your income all the monthly expenses that you have recurringly such as rent or mortgage, supplies, etc.
  • Saving. After making this balance, decide if you want to save in advance or wait until the end of the month to reserve the money left over from your weekly expenses.
  • Budget. Find out what budget you have for your weekly expenses after subtracting your fixed expenses from your income.
  • Weekly expenses. Analyze the money you spend daily and subtract the total of your weekly expenses from your budget to make the final balance.

Photo: Blackie Books

Advantages of the Kakebo Method

Advantages of the Kakebo Method

The advantages of the Kakebo method are many if you never know where your money is going and you are willing to start taking a more exhaustive control of your money to save money. Keeping a daily control of your expenses will help you set monthly goals and objectives that motivate you and push you to keep saving. Through a daily summary of your expenses in writing you will realize where that money that costs you so much to earn is going and decide how and where to save for that project you want so much or, simply, to give yourself a whim or some good holidays.

Disadvantages of the Kakebo Method

Disadvantages of the Kakebo Method

Not all are advantages with the Kakebo method since it requires a commitment and total perseverance when it comes to keeping control of your expenses. To successfully carry out this Japanese saving method, you must keep an up-to-date record of ALL your expenses in writing and this can be simple and even motivating the first weeks, but if you are not constant, it is likely that in the middle of the second month it will be done. you have given up. Apps like Fintonic can help you since they usually assign the categories corresponding to all your expenses. If you think that the method is for you, you can think about getting an annual Kakebo agenda that allows you to take control of your finances to a higher level.


€ 17

Kakebo Blackie Books 2020

Editorial Blackie Books is responsible for the official landing of the Kakebo method in our country. She has been editing her Kakebo household savings account book for several years. A total of 224 pages with tips, advice and some exercises to put the method into practice. Everything arranged in easy tables and lists to encourage you to make a radical change in your day to day.