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The unspeakable secrets and flaws of leo

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Astrologically egocentric

Astrologically egocentric

The fault lies with the Sun, its ruling planet. In the same way that all the stars revolve around him, Leo feels the center of the Universe and hopes, consciously or unconsciously, that others respect this cosmic order.

Pictured: Sandra Bullock, in Miss Special Agent .

Arrogant by nature

Arrogant by nature

What did you expect? Their symbol is the lion, the king of the jungle and the one responsible for why, often, they cannot help but feel superior to others.

Photo: Chris Hemsworth, on Vacation .

Proud in spite of themselves

Proud despite themselves

Of course. Although he insists on denying it, his pride is pure mathematics. If you add the king of the stars to the king of the jungle, what do you get? Well, the proud Leo.

Photo: Mila Kunis, in Black Swan .

Inevitably narcissistic

Inevitably narcissistic

Unless you have some ascendant to neutralize it, you can't help it. With as much prominence as his planet and its symbol give him, Leo is usually convinced of how much he is worth, how handsome he is and the type he has …

Photo: Chris Hemsworth, in Ghostbusters .

Unintentionally proud

Unintentionally proud

Well yes … Humility is not one of its most accentuated virtues. That is not to say that she does not have it in some remote place, but sometimes it is difficult to find it …

Photo: Sandra Bullock, in The Proposition .

Tendency to arrogance

Tendency to arrogance

And is that with as much power as Leo has, sometimes he can fall into arrogance yes or yes. But, fortunately, only when they drive him out of his boxes.

Photo: Robert De Niro, in Taxi Driver .

Overly theatrical

Overly theatrical

Leo was born to be on stage, which is why he is usually a bit dramatic and a bit over the top if he doesn't get his way. But most of the time it is nothing more than a childish tantrum.

Photo: Charlize Theron, in Mad Max: Fury Road .

Authoritarian despite appearances

Authoritarian despite appearances

A facet that they only bring out when someone dares not to follow their dictates. Remember that all the stars have to revolve around him, and that he is the king of the jungle … Although he sometimes looks like a cute kitten, he is still a fierce lion who wants to impose his law.

Photo: Antonio Banderas, in The Skin I Live In .

Loaded with bad temper

Loaded with bad temper

Although he is tender and gentle to begin with, Leo has no qualms about pulling out his nails and clawing if the wires get crossed.

Photo: Kim Cattrall, in Sex and the City .

Hedonists (and superficial)

Hedonists (and superficial)

As a good sign of Fire, Leo is more focused on action and enjoying life than on eternal existential analysis and reflections. Which leads him to enjoy the senses without complexes and, often, to stay on the surface of things.

Photo: Chris Hemsworth, on Vacation .



It is another consequence of his hedonism … You only live once!

Photo: Kim Cattrall, in Sex and the City .

Magnetically irresistible

Magnetically irresistible

Like its element, Fire, Leo has a hypnotic effect and a practically irresistible power of attraction. Like you can't stop looking at it over and over again …

Photo: Álex González, in El Príncipe .

Fiery and very passionate

Fiery and very passionate

Another consequence of being a Fire sign makes Leo live it and feel everything intensely, without half measures.

Photo: Madonna, in Body of Crime .



With that irresistible power of attraction and that overflowing passion, it is not strange that he is accumulating broken hearts behind his back … Leo is a born conqueror, the seducer par excellence.

Photo: Robert Redford, in The man who whispered to the horses .

Little lovers of fidelity

Little lovers of fidelity

So is. Leo doesn't have to be literally unfaithful, but he does have to be incorrigibly seductive. You need to seduce, flirt and feel that everyone likes you like the air you breathe.

Photo: David Duchovny, in Californication .

And much more…

And much more…

If you want to know more secrets about Leo, find out everything here.

If you have come across a magnetic Leo in your life and you want to know everything that hides under that cute kitten appearance, take note of what you have seen and everything that we tell you below.

A kitten of arms take

At first, he may appear to be napping relaxed like any lion on a sunny day in the blanket. But behind those affectionate and tender purrs, a beast lurks ready to slap you if it's hungry or if you dare to cross its fine line of patience.

Behind those affectionate and tender feline purrs, hides a ferocious lion

In addition, it is not only represented by the lion, the king of the jungle, but also belongs to the effervescent element of Fire, and is ruled by the Sun, the star around which all the planets revolve .

As a consequence of these coordinates, Leo was born to be on a throne or a real or imaginary stage (and this is his reason for being because of his inclination to theatricality and exaggeration on many occasions).

Superb, impulsive and superficial

With a panorama like this, it is not surprising that when the storm clouds are assaulted Leo has a tendency to be astrologically egocentric, arrogant by nature, proud and haughty and inevitably narcissistic, among other niceties. And it is that being the center of attention of the zodiac is not always a gift from heaven …

Fiery and passionate, he lives focused on enjoying the here and now

Its element, Fire, doesn't help either. Although it gives you courage, generosity, warmth and closeness on the light side, it also makes you impulsive and a victim of flashbacks on the dark side; which can translate in the worst case into outbursts of temper and arrogant attitudes.

Without forgetting his hedonistic and passionate way of living, which on the positive side makes Leo know how to enjoy life like no one else, give himself body and soul in everything he is passionate about and loves like no other. But that, on the negative side, can lead to a certain tendency to superficiality, waste and infidelity …