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Books recommended by Clara's readers to celebrate Book Day

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I confess, as a good woman from Barcelona it hurts my soul this April 23 "confined". For me, Sant Jordi or the Day of the Book, is one of the best days of the year. I understand that it is impossible to celebrate it in the traditional way because the crowds would put us all in danger but … I am comforted to know that the love of books does not decline even in confinement. We have asked CLARA readers which book they would like for this strange Book Day and the response is overwhelming. These are some of their recommendations (remember that if there are books that appeal to you, you can order them from your trusted library, online or in ebook).

I confess, as a good woman from Barcelona it hurts my soul this April 23 "confined". For me, Sant Jordi or the Day of the Book, is one of the best days of the year. I understand that it is impossible to celebrate it in the traditional way because the crowds would put us all in danger but … I am comforted to know that the love of books does not decline even in confinement. We have asked CLARA readers which book they would like for this strange Book Day and the response is overwhelming. These are some of their recommendations (remember that if there are books that appeal to you, you can order them from your trusted library, online or in ebook).


€ 17.10

Katharine McGee's American Royals

In the list of our readers, this fictional novel cannot be absent, which places us in a United States that, after independence from England, crowns George Washington as its first king. Already, we already know that history will not go like this, but the author takes this literary license to bring us to a world that today would be very different if this world power had as its heir Princess Beatrice from the novel, whom her brother twin Jefferson and his younger sister Samantha seek to take away his power or make his existence very complicated … The novel has historical fiction but also a lot of romance, drama … It is so addictive that you will not be able to stop reading it.

And if you want this novel in digital format you are in luck because it is available. Take a look at this and other RBA ebooks Perfect books to celebrate Book Day.


€ 18.90

The Bookbinder by Bridget Collins

The novel begins with a lot of mystery, when the young Emmet Farmer, who has important memory gaps, arrives at the house of Seredith, the bookbinder who takes him as an apprentice. The mystery surrounding the binder is even greater when Emmett discovers his name in one of these books. But as the story progresses - and it advances fast because you can't stop reading it - what you think you know changes radically and becomes an amazing love story … Very, very addictive.


€ 17.90

A perfect tale by Elísabet Benavent

@betacoqueta is one of CLARA's favorite authors. Love, sex, friendship, characters in search of themselves … Elísabet Benavent's novels wisely mix these ingredients and A Perfect Story is no different from the others. However, Margot and David's story is unlike any other. It starts with a girlfriend on the run and ends … in two different ways, so you can choose the one you like the most (or keep both).


€ 18.05

A brutal blow from Richard Lange

Rowan is a small-time con man who, tired of losing, now thinks he has a good hand. He has a tip that he thinks is going to make him a millionaire at last but … stealing money from soldiers who in turn have stolen it from the army, can only be synonymous with problems and fat people. A thriller that hits the gas as you turn pages until you are breathless.


€ 19.85

The Silence of Our Words by Simona Sparaco

Life is beautiful, there are couples who fall in love, children are born, there is a mother and children who reconcile … but also painful, when a mother cannot connect with her baby, when a daughter cannot speak openly with her mother so as not to feel censored. And a fire can change the luck of those who suffer it in one sense or another … This novel is the chronicle of a tragedy and at the same time, a hymn to life and a stark anatomy of human psychology. It has everything and it hurts, there are pages that hurt a lot. But just as you don't want to stop living, you don't want to stop reading Simona Sparaco, one of the fastest growing contemporary Italian authors.


€ 15.15

Life is waiting for you by Javier Iriondo

Sofía has always lived by and for her work but, suddenly, terrible news about her health will make her vision of the world change radically … The farewell party she organizes with her friends is the synthesis of this change of direction and of the wisdom of life just released to face the end. A terrible and moving novel at the same time.


€ 18.90

The heir of Rafael Tarradas Bultó

Based on true events, this novel tells the story of two families, the Marquis and the Sagniers, how you can lose your fortune and position and find yourself in exile overnight, and how profound changes bring out the worst. and the best of the human being …


€ 20.98

Dr. Zhivago by Borís Pasternak

A great classic that is still valid and that one of our readers has put on her list for this Book Day. The forbidden love between Yuri and Lara was a great scandal in the Soviet Union and it cost the author having to renounce the Nobel Prize for Literature in order to survive within the Soviet regime, which could not tolerate the criticism it contained. But even after the fall of the USSR, this love story continues to move us. If you haven't read it, you can't miss it.


€ 23.65

Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie 

In this novel, Ifemelu, the protagonist, emigrates to the United States from her native Nigeria, leaving behind the love of her life, Obinze, who is thriving under the Nigerian dictatorship. While Ifemelu makes his way in a country that is not as he imagined. Even African Americans are culturally very different from her despite sharing skin color. Although success ends up smiling at her, Ifemelu makes the decision to return and … her return is as exciting and surprising as her exile.


€ 21.75

Long Sea Petal by Isabel Allende

Isabel Allende mixes personal history with history in capital letters like no one else. In this case, it is the story of Roser and Víctor who are linked by the Civil War and a long exile in Chile, Roser has a son with Víctor's brother without being able to get married because she dies. Victor takes charge of both of them and takes them from France to Chile, where his friendship with Allende puts them in danger again and forces them to emigrate again …


€ 25

The snow girl by Javier Castillo

Javier Castillo has managed to put two of his novels among those recommended by our readers.


€ 22.70

Tell me who I am from Julia Navarro

Love, heartbreak, intrigue, suspense … Julia Navarro demonstrates once again why our readers always have her on their list with a novel that begins almost innocently, when a journalist begins to investigate the life of her grandmother, her woman who abandoned her husband and son shortly before the Spanish Civil War broke out. The adventures will take you from the Second Republic to the fall of the Berlin Wall without the novel ever being detached from your hands.


€ 17

Delia Owens's Wild Girl

This girl is none other than Kya Clark, a girl who, after being abandoned, learns to survive in the marshes of North Carolina, learning from Nature and escaping from men. Her free and lonely life will be threatened when she is accused of murder and when two young men start courting her. Kya only knows love and sex from animal behavior, so she herself is surprising and wild to other humans … Actress Reese Witherspoon was so excited about this novel, an absolute best seller in the US, that she has bought her rights to take her to the movies …


€ 12

Kate Quinn's Alice Network

Alice's network is a network of spies created during World War I that Eve joins in seeking to fight the Nazis. A betrayal brings down the net and Eve, who survives this and the following world war, spends her days in London drowning her sorrows in alcohol when Charlie Saint Claire, single and pregnant, knocks on her door looking for her aunt Rose, herself Rose who disappeared in occupied France …


€ 12.92

Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier

Rebeca is the novel on which Alfred Hichcock relied to roll one of his most famous films and is one of the classics recommended by CLARA readers. The second wife of Maxim De Winter, young and inexperienced, arrives at the Manderley mansion at the hands of an absent husband, almost a stranger and finds that everything there reminds of Rebecca, Maxim's first wife and such a beautiful woman as manipulative … Suspense in its purest form …


€ 18.90

Anne Jacobs' Fabric Village

A vibrant love novel that is not surprising that it is part of the wish list of our readers. The story begins in Augsburg in 1913, when Marie, a poor orphan, enters to serve in the house of the Melzars, a saga of rich textile industrialists. Everyone is exulting about the debut in society of Katharina, the eldest daughter of the family, all except her brother Paul, the heir, whose existence will change when he sets his eyes on Marie …


€ 18.90

Land of Eloy Moreno

A father proposes a game to his children and, if they finish it, they will have what they want. Thirty years later, the boy has gotten his wish but the girl has not … And the girl, now an adult, receives a gift that will allow her to continue with the game and is none other than to discover the reasons why eight people decide to isolate themselves from the world forever to compete in a television program … Aren't you curious just to know the plot?


€ 21.75

Kate Morton's Watchmaker's Daughter

Kate Morton is also one of the favorite authors of CLARA readers and has made two of her books part of this list of recommendations. This is her most recent novel and in it Elodie Winslow, a young documentary filmmaker, takes a "trip" back in time when she comes across an old wallet that hides a photograph and a sketch of an old country house … This will take her to the Summer of 1862, when in the mansion of Birchwood Manor, a woman is murdered while another disappears, at the same time as a jewel of great value … Why do such distant events seem so familiar to Elodie …?


€ 20.90

Hannah by Christian Gálvez

A novel that will put your feelings on the surface, especially since it is based on real events. If Spielberg made Schlinder, the German businessman who saved many Jews from the hands of the Nazis, world famous, Gálvez recovers to his memory the Guardian of Ponte Vecchio, a high Nazi official who, disobeying orders, refuses to blow up the famous Florentine bridge and saves the lives of thousands of Jews. This book is pure emotion.


€ 19.85

The forest knows your name by Alaitz Leceaga

We declare ourselves Leceaga fans in CLARA. Both this novel and the next one, Daughters of the Earth, are pure addiction, they are stories of brave, empowered women, ahead of their time and marked by their difference, their uniqueness and, why not, their bravery. They have something magical about them but, above all, they have the courage to show strong women, who do not bow to their destiny or that of the men who want to mark it.


€ 9.45

Women who buy flowers from Vanessa Montfort

Marina has lost her partner and for the first time in a long time she has to take over her life alone again. At this vital crossroads she finds herself when she enters Olivia's florist and crosses paths with other women who also buy flowers for reasons that have nothing to do with each other and that will lead them to develop a close friendship.


€ 12.30

Kate Morton's Forgotten Garden

When she turns 21, Nell O'Connor discovers that she is adopted. This will make her return to her native country to discover her past. Upon the death of Nell, already in the XXI century, it will be her granddaughter, Cassandra, who, by inheriting the cabin and the family garden, manages to unravel the secrets of the family past … A fascinating novel in which Morton leads us to read more and more, immersed in the magic that he knows how to create with his words.


€ 17

The day Javier Castillo lost his sanity

Second recommendation from this author and, again, a novel with such a dizzying pace that you will find yourself on the last page in the blink of an eye, absorbed by a captivating story. It all starts on Christmas Eve in Boston, when a naked man walks down the street with the bloody head of a girl in his hands … A madman?

Have you been wanting more …?

Have you been wanting more …?

If so, don't miss our latest recommendations to find more titles to enjoy reading …