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Discover the best remedies for gas

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Stop feeling like a balloon

Stop feeling like a balloon

In the gallery we have selected the best tricks and solutions to eliminate gases. You may only have to make small changes in your diet, in your routine at mealtime, or abandon some habits. Keep reading!

Are you addicted to pasta?

Are you addicted to pasta?

If you usually eat a lot of pasta, rice, potatoes or bread, you may have gas problems due to an excess of starch. This takes longer to be digested and can cause further fermentation. Moderate the amount of carbohydrates you take per day and always opt for the integral version.

Have a light dinner

Have a light dinner

At the end of the day the metabolism slows down, so having dinner a lot and late increases gas. The ideal is to make an early and light dinner, with cooked food rather than raw, and with a yogurt or a kefir without sugar for dessert or cooked fruit. And remember, a light dinner is NOT synonymous with no dinner.

And avoid "problem" foods

And avoid "problem" foods

Moderate the consumption of certain foods such as cabbage, cauliflower, legumes … which when degraded in the colon produce a remarkable dose of air. Also, analyze which foods cause you gas to reduce their consumption.

Opt for still drinks

Opt for still drinks

And also without sugar. If your drink already has gas, it is normal for you to suffer from the same problem because it accumulates in your stomach. And if the drink has a lot of sugar and / or you combine it with alcohol, don't be surprised if the meteorisms get worse.

Combine food well

Combine food well

Take fatty foods with artichokes, whose cyanine helps digestion. For the same, have pineapple or papaya for dessert. If you eat legumes, have a yogurt or kefir. And if you eat lettuce, accompany it with sprouts, carrots …

Chew and shut up

Chew and shut up

Good digestion begins in the mouth, so it is important to salute and grind food well. If you catch your breath or chew a little while talking, you'd better leave the conversation for the after-dinner meal or take breaks between bites to chat.

Neither hot nor cold

Neither hot nor cold

Ideally, your food and drinks should be warm, because extreme temperatures irritate the digestive mucosa. Let the soup or infusions cool a little before taking them, and take fruit, yogurts and drinks from the fridge half an hour before.

Don't take a nap

Don't take a nap

Or at least not immediately after eating, because lying down favors the passage of gas from the stomach to the intestine. Ideally, after the meal you stay active. If you can, go for a little walk and nap half an hour later.

Effective infusions

Effective infusions

Finish your meals with an infusion of fennel seeds, green and star anise. Or artichoke and milk thistle. Ginger root is also effective, which also helps added to the stir-fry with other digestive plants such as oregano.

How you breathe is the key

How you breathe is the key

The stomach works better if more oxygen reaches it. Also, taking a few breaths can calm you down before eating. Take several deep breaths, taking in air until your stomach is full and slowly releasing it until your lungs are completely empty.

Don't buckle up!

Don't buckle up!

Don't let the waistband of your pants or socks squeeze you. If it sticks in the waist, it hinders the work of the stomach and intestinal movements, causing digestion to slow down and delaying intestinal emptying.

Sit at the table

Sit at the table

If you sit at the table, you will eat more slowly and calmly than if you do standing up. Also, do you know that emotions influence digestion? If you are nervous or stressed, you may have discomfort after eating.

Better alone than …

Better alone than …

… accompanied by nervous and fast eaters! If they eat at lightning speed, you will do the same. So surround yourself with an environment as calm as possible.

Drink water when you get up

Drink water when you get up

Have a couple of glasses of warm water when you wake up and keep drinking 8-10 glasses a day: avoid meteorism. Proper hydration of the body helps to combat constipation, and this influences that you have less bloating.

In the gallery we have selected the best tricks and solutions to eliminate gases. You may only have to make small changes in your diet, in your routine at mealtime, or abandon some habits. Keep reading!

Take a look at your diet

Do you eat a lot of pasta?

If you usually eat a lot of pasta, rice, potatoes or bread, you may have gas problems due to an excess of starch. This takes longer to be digested and can cause further fermentation. Moderate the amount of carbohydrates you take per day and always opt for the integral version.

Watch out for dinner

At the end of the day the metabolism slows down, so having dinner a lot and late increases gas. The ideal is to make an early and light dinner, with cooked food rather than raw and with a yogurt or a kefir without sugar for dessert or cooked fruit.

Avoid problem foods and drinks

Moderate the consumption of certain foods such as cabbage, cauliflower, legumes … which when degraded in the colon produce a remarkable dose of air. Also, analyze which foods cause you gas to reduce their consumption. And avoid carbonated drinks and sugar. If your drink already has gas, it is normal for you to suffer from the same problem because it accumulates in your stomach. And if the drink has a lot of sugar and / or you combine it with alcohol, don't be surprised if the meteorism gets worse.

The importance of combining food well

Take fatty foods with artichokes, whose cyanine helps digestion. For the same, have pineapple or papaya for dessert. If you eat legumes, have a yogurt or kefir. And if you eat lettuce, accompany it with sprouts, carrots …

Neither hot nor cold

Ideally, your food and drinks should be warm, because extreme temperatures irritate the digestive mucosa. Let the soup or infusions cool a little before taking them, and take fruit, yogurts and drinks from the fridge half an hour before.

Have an infusion

Finish your meals with an infusion of fennel seeds, green and star anise. Or artichoke and milk thistle. Ginger root is also effective, which also helps added to the stir-fry with other digestive plants such as oregano.

Analyze your routines at mealtime

Good digestion begins in the mouth, so it is important to salute and grind food well. If you catch your breath or chew a little while talking, you'd better leave the conversation for the after-dinner meal or take breaks between bites to chat.

Sit at the table

If you sit at the table, you will eat more slowly and calmly than if you do standing up. Also, do you know that emotions influence digestion? If you are nervous or stressed, you may have discomfort after eating. Also, avoid surrounding yourself with people who eat too fast because you will end up doing the same.

Don't take a nap …

Or at least not immediately after eating, because lying down favors the passage of gas from the stomach to the intestine. Ideally, after the meal you stay active. If you can, go for a little walk and nap half an hour later.

And also your day to day

Drink water when you get up

Have a couple of glasses of warm water when you wake up and keep drinking 8-10 glasses a day: avoid meteorism. Proper hydration of the body helps to combat constipation, and this influences that you have less bloating.

How do you breathe?

The stomach works better if more oxygen reaches it. Also, taking a few breaths can calm you down before eating. Take several deep breaths, taking in air until your stomach is full and slowly releasing it until your lungs are completely empty.

The clothes, better loose

Do not strap on your belt or let the waistband of your pants or stockings tighten you. If it sticks in the waist, it hinders the work of the stomach and intestinal movements, causing digestion to slow down and delaying intestinal emptying.