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Cleaning the kitchen: the most frequent mistakes you should avoid

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Cook and clean at the same time

Cook and clean at the same time

Not!!! No more taking advantage of while the vegetables are cooking to start sweeping or doing other cleaning tasks. During the cleaning process, the dirt that you are trying to get rid of may fall inadvertently into the food you are going to eat …

Pass the extractor hood

Pass the extractor hood

The extractor hood is one of the places where more dirt accumulates, and not so much because of the quantity as because of the fact that it is usually little (or nothing) cleaned. One of the tricks to clean in a flash is to boil a pot of water and lemon for a while with the extractor on to make it softer and easier.

Do not clean the refrigerator

Do not clean the refrigerator

Although it may appear very clean at the beginning, the refrigerator can be a true haven for dirt. To keep it sanitized, clean it at least once a month with a mixture of water and baking soda, one of the household cleaners that never fail.

Letting the oven and microwave accumulate grease and dirt

Letting the oven and microwave accumulate grease and dirt

Another widespread mistake is not even looking inside the oven and microwave. To avoid getting so dirty, put parchment paper and silver paper instead of baking directly on the trays. And use the microwave hood to prevent splashing when you heat food.

Wash everything in no order

Wash everything in no order

When you go to wash dishes, start with the cleanest and least greasy, such as glasses. And leave the dirtiest for last: pots and pans. This way you avoid carrying the fat from one to the other with the water and the soap scouring pad.

Do not disinfect the sink

Do not disinfect the sink

The kitchen sink is proven to be up to 100,000 times more polluted than the bathroom, putting it at the top of the dirtiest places in the home. The cause is the remains of food that accumulate. It is recommended to disinfect it at least once or twice a week. And don't forget about the faucet, which is exposed to the same germs as the sink.

Skip the holes in the wringer and other nooks

Skip the holes in the wringer and other nooks

In the kitchen there are many utensils, such as colander, colander and grater, that collect dirt and germs in their nooks. To clean the holes in the drainer, you can use snack sticks. And for graters, one of the most popular home cleaning tricks on the internet is to grate a peeled raw potato and wash afterward. Its pulp and juice soften the remains and drag them more easily.

Thinking that the dishwasher cleans itself …

Thinking that the dishwasher cleans itself …

Although it is used to clean your dishes, this appliance can accumulate dirt from use to use. Periodically clean the drain filter and, with nothing inside, run a long wash cycle with a jet of hydrogen peroxide in the wash box. It will disinfect it and remove bad odors.

Forgetting to clean the bases of pots and pans

Forgetting to clean the bases of pots and pans

We often go to great lengths to clean pots and pans thoroughly, but forget to clean the outside, allowing grease and spilled food scraps to build up on the bottom. It is not only a source of dirt, but also something that can hinder the proper functioning of these utensils.

Not cleaning the cutting board properly

Not cleaning the cutting board properly

According to some research, there are 200 times more fecal bacteria on a cutting board than on a toilet seat. It is the same as with the sink, since it is where the food is cut. To avoid the accumulation of germs, it is recommended to dispense with wood and opt for smooth and waterproof materials, and clean them with hot water and soap.

Leave without disinfecting work surfaces

Leave work surfaces without disinfecting

Work surfaces are often not properly cleaned and disinfected. And that, in addition to the fact that food scraps can accumulate, is where we usually support shopping bags and other objects that come from the street.

Use the same rags and cloths for everything

Use the same rags and cloths for everything

Scouring pads, cloths and other cleaning utensils are another of the black spots where dirt roams freely. And it is that we often use the same cloth or cloth for everything and we forget to clean them, which is one of the classic cleaning mistakes that we make according to experts.

And if you want to know more …

And if you want to know more …

Don't miss out on all our cleaning and order tricks.

As you have seen, forgetting to properly clean the sink or cutting board can make the kitchen one of the dirtiest places in the house (and a challenge to clean and tidy ). But all is not lost. Here are more tips and tricks to get it right.

Blackheads when cleaning the kitchen

  • Clean while you cook. You can often be tempted to use the wait time while you're cooking to sweep or do other cleaning tasks. Error! In doing so, you raise dust and microscopic particles that can end up in food without you even noticing. Do it before or after, but never during.
  • Skip the extractor hood. If you don't want it to be a germ nest, clean the filters periodically. The more often you do it, the easier it will be. It is better prevent…
  • Do not clean the refrigerator. A very common mistake is almost never cleaning the place where we keep food. It is recommended to clean the refrigerator once or twice a week (and once a month thoroughly) to remove any food debris that may have accumulated. Water mixed with baking soda is the best way to avoid cleaning products that can harm your health.
  • Forget about the oven and microwave. Cleaning the oven is lazy just thinking about it, but if we let the fat accumulate it still costs more. Ideally, avoid the accumulation of grease and dirt with the help of silver or baking paper, and protective hoods to heat in the microwave.
  • Wash all the utensils at the same time. Not all kitchen utensils and tableware are equally dirty, so it is advisable to clean them in groups and from less dirty to more dirty. Glasses and glassware first, then plates and cutlery. And finally pots and pans.
  • Do not disinfect the sink. Another of the classic cleaning mistakes in the kitchen is not disinfecting the sink, and that is considered one of the dirtiest places in the house due to the accumulation of food remains.
  • Do not remove food remains from utensils. Squeegees, strainers, graters, and other kitchen tools tend to collect dirt and germs in their nooks and crannies. To get to the last corner, you can use snack sticks and paper clips wrapped in kitchen paper.
  • Do not clean the dishwasher. To do this, periodically clean the filter, door and gaskets. Remove the trays and spray the interior with a specific liquid or with a mixture of equal parts water and vinegar, which is one of the disinfectant household cleaning products. Or do a wash cycle with nothing inside and a jet of hydrogen peroxide in the detergent drawer.
  • Leaving the bases of pots and pans dirty. When cooking, food debris can accumulate in the base of pots and pans. To clean stainless steel utensils, it is super good to clean them with a cloth dampened with water and baking soda.
  • Not washing the cutting board well. This, along with the sink and the faucet, is another of the places where more germs and dirt accumulate. Avoid whenever possible wooden boards, which are porous and harder to clean. And wash it daily with hot soapy water. Or, sprinkle it with salt, then rub it briskly with a lemon cut in half, and finally, rinse it and let it dry. It is one of the home cleaning tricks that are successful on the internet.
  • Skip the countertops. On these surfaces we deposit food, kitchen utensils, kitchenware, shopping bags and other items from the street. Precisely for this reason, it must be cleaned regularly.
  • Use the same rags and cloths for everything. It is one of the most common cleaning mistakes, and a real danger in the kitchen. We often use the same rags, cloths and chamois to remove both the remains of dirt and go over the sink, clean our hands or dry the dishes without taking into account that we are carrying germs from one place to another. Solution: A cloth for everything.