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Paula echevarría's favorite fat-burning exercises for the summer

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Paula Echevarría has not only been the famous homeland that has shown us the most looks during confinement, but has also become an example of perseverance and effort maintaining a double sports session with which she will look great in summer. In addition to motivation not to fall into laziness, the actress has taught us from Instagram her favorite exercises to lose weight. Short but very effective workouts in which you combine cardio with functional exercises and other isometry exercises. Best of all, although she has a very cool gym at home, most of her workouts are basic and without equipment.

To lose weight, in addition to a healthy and balanced diet being key, you have to combine strength exercises with other more cardio . Dancing, running or doing yoga are great activities for our body and our health (as long as it is not contraindicated by the doctor, of course) but they are insufficient to have that toned and tight body that we all want . And, in the same way, we can not only live on planks and squats, two basic exercises whose effects are very noticeable in the body, but that must be complemented with runs, walks and something that makes us work on a cardiovascular level.

This is precisely why we like Paula Echevarría's way of training so much, with the help of her personal trainer Iñaky García, because she works in a quite simple and localized way, attacking the weak points of almost everyone (buttocks, hips, legs and abdomen) without forgetting about stretching (we already know the importance of incorporating stretching into our lives, even if we are not the most athletes in the world).


Well, we have followed the tracks that the actress has left us on social networks and we have located the exercises that work for her and that we can all put into practice for the summer, which is just around the corner. For starters, Paula is pretty strict on cardio. She has a treadmill at home and it is much easier for her, but now that we can go out and do sports on the streets we have no excuse . A walk reaches its optimal level of work when we are not able to carry on a conversation and if you dare to jog and run a bit (even if it is at intervals) you will already be at champion level . Without a doubt, it is the best way to start training, and then move on to more specific exercises for legs, abdomen …


Paula gives a lot to her legs and her glutes. How? With basic and fundamental exercises in a sports routine such as squats (combines classics, dynamics, sumo, with more depth …) and also gives a lot of cane to the lunges, with a lot of separation of the legs and going down until almost touching with the knee soil. This is fire for our quadriceps and glutes but its transforming power is total, in addition to keeping the weight at bay. We must never forget that not only by sweating jets and jets we lose weight and that static exercises are also super effective to lose weight.

  • CORE

We already told you before, Paula gets to the point and works, above all, the areas of the body that concern her the most. Thus, she is very serious about keeping her stomach flat and very hard. His trick, in addition to the classic crunches, which mark the abdomen a lot, is to train with isometric abs , which in addition to making us lose weight not only makes our belly go away but also defines and refines the waist. Paula's star exercise? The plank, which is undoubtedly the exercise that makes your abdomen iron and well defined.

If we get ALREADY we reach the summer top. who are encouraged?