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Naked horoscopes: the unspeakable secrets of cancer

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Sometimes they are hard …

Sometimes they are hard …

They can be, and a lot, when the stars do not smile at them …

Photo: Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada.

Sometimes they are soft

Sometimes they are soft

Yes, yes, in the blink of an eye they can go from being the most rigid people to the most flexible and leave you lazy.

Photo: Meryl Streep in The Bridges of Madison.

And always lunatics!

And always lunatics!

It's not exactly that they're like a cowbell. But they can drive you crazy with their mood swings and their many faces, as many as the Moon has, its ruling planet.

Photo: Meryl Streep in ¡Mamma mia!

They hardly ever go head-on

They hardly ever go head-on

Like the crab, the animal that represents them, Cancer never goes in a straight line towards its goal. It usually does it sideways, or even making a complete detour, to surprise its prey and give it a pinch.

Photo: Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible.

They don't always tell the whole truth …

They don't always tell the whole truth …

Which does not mean that he always lies, but that his pulse does not tremble if he needs to "make up" reality to achieve his desires. It is part of the crab strategy. When she wants something, she goes for it stealthily and sneakily. And if you have to lie a little to get it, then you lie, period.

Photo: Kathy Bates in Misery.

More than hermetic

More than hermetic

Yes, although he sometimes disguises himself as super open and outgoing, Cancer keeps his true self hidden under an armored shell. It's your way of protecting yourself from outside threats. The problem comes when it gets out of control and ends up becoming a prison for itself. Ains …

Photo: Kevin Bacon in The Man Without a Shadow.

They can't stand being ordered around

They can't stand being ordered around

Although he is never usually placed in the front line, fighting to be the leader, Cancer is not one of those who get carried away like a little lamb. Positions to choose, he prefers to be one of those who send that of the errands.

Photo: Diane Kruguer in The Guest.

They always go to theirs

They always go to theirs

Whether they command or not, they always go to their ball, doing and undoing at will.

Photo: Justin Chambers in Grey's Anatomy.



Although without reaching the level of Scorpio, Cancer consciously prepares its strategies to get away with it. He rarely leaves a loose end. When he wants something, he devises a secret plan to get it cleverly and without openly showing his cards.

Photo: Elena Anaya in The Skin I Live In.



As a good Water sign, Cancer is super sensitive, which makes him feel everything to the fullest and see everything black when the Moon is crossed.

Photo: Tom Hanks in The Castaway



It is another of the qualities of its element, Water, which makes it highly developed the power of intuition and the ability to dream and imagine. Something that can make you daydream and, when you get out of control, run the risk of mounting movies that never actually release.

Pictured: Tobey Maguire in Spiderman.

Obsessed with his mommy

Obsessed with his mommy

Yup, even if he laughs or makes a poker face when you tell him … In fact, it's perhaps Cancer's best kept secret. Although she is tough and self-sufficient, she always maintains a powerful relationship with her mother that can range from unconditional love to outright rejection, but is never flat or indifferent …

Pictured: Harrison Ford in Indiana Jones.

And many more secrets

And many more secrets

If you want to know even more about Cancer, find out.

If a person born under the sign of the crab has crossed your path and you want to know everything about them (including their dark side), take note. In this gallery of images you have all the flaws and unspeakable secrets of Cancer and, under these lines, everything he will never tell you … Top secret!

Touched by the Moon

The first thing to keep in mind is that Cancer is the sign of the zodiac ruled by the Moon, its ruling planet. And that makes this horoscope have as many moods as lunar phases, and an oscillating spirit full of swings like the tides of the sea.

This is the main cause of his sudden mood swings, his infinite facets, and that halo of mystery that surrounds him even when he pretends to be open and transparent …

Enigmatic and stealthy

And it is that, whether you like to admit it or not, it is quite the opposite: opaque and hermetic. As a lunatic and Water sign, your element, Cancer is nocturnal dark and enigmatic, highly sensitive and intuitive, and super stealthy …

You just have to take a look at a crab, its symbol, to understand its essence a little. Instead of going the straightest path, Cancer always makes a detour, more or less steep, to reach its destination. Something that allows you to achieve what you propose by surprise and without attracting attention.

In addition, he seldom reveals his high sensitivity and tender interior completely. It prefers to keep them safely under its armored shell, and protected with its fearsome clamps, ready to attack whoever dares to hurt them.

Tied to his mother

Without forgetting its powerful connection with motherhood, a state that governs Cancer and that, in addition to making you want a large family or dedicate yourself to something related to children (teaching, health or social care …), causes you to keep an invisible, but very close relationship with his mother.

A strong bond that, if it gets out of control for any reason, can lead from dependency to rejection or indifference to some childhood trauma.