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The 8 best tricks to do the 16/8 intermittent fasting diet

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If you have started or are considering starting the 16/8 intermittent fasting diet, these tricks will be great for you. This method, which is based on eating healthy food for 8 hours and fasting the remaining 16, is quite simple to follow, but with these tips reaching your goal will be much easier:

The 8 best tricks to do the 16/8 intermittent fasting diet

  1. Glass of water on the table. As soon as you wake up, drink a large glass of water to start the day well hydrated. And keep drinking water and other liquids allowed throughout the day as it is very important to be well hydrated during the fast. If you think it will be difficult, sign up for these simple tricks to drink more water throughout the day.
  2. Drink coffee or black tea. It will give you extra energy and has a slight appetite suppressant effect. If you do not like them, take any other infusion that you feel like, these for example help eliminate gas and these others help you sleep better. Of course, take everything without sugar, honey, sweeteners or milk. You can only add cinnamon.
  3. Surf with hunger. Hunger comes like the tide, it rises and falls. When it appears in your life keep busy and slowly drink a glass of water. Trust us, it will go away.
  4. When you eat, eat. Do not do it thinking about something else, with your attention focused on your mobile or the TV screen. Savor every bite, enjoy it, you've earned it.
  5. Take it easy. Give your body 4 weeks to get used to this way of eating. Don't look for immediate results and don't be discouraged. Good food and good health take their time.
  6. Don't just eat, feed yourself. Make yourself nutritious menus, with many colors and very complete. Protein, carbohydrates and fat. Ideally, you follow the plate method.
  7. Kitchen. Eating homemade food and better yet real food is the best gift you can give yourself.
  8. No binge eating. That you are doing intermittent fasting does not give you the green light to load up on food when you are in the feeding window. The worst gift you can give yourself is bingeing after a fast.

Infallible tricks before starting the diet to make it work better

If you thought that was all, it is because you visit little CLARA. Here are more tips so that your goal of gaining health and losing weight is at your fingertips.

  • Don't pay homage to yourself and don't say goodbye to food. Say goodbye to what you like so much because "I totally eat two because I'm going to start a diet" can put you 2 to 3 kilos before starting it.
  • Free your pantry and kitchen from those things that you know you lose.
  • If you feel like it, start a journal . This way you will be able to write down how you feel during this time and you can even discover what leads you to eat more. If you write down how you feel, you may learn something more about your relationship with food.
  • Do not tell who you already know. We all have those friends and family who are well-meaning (or not) who not only discourage you from dieting and taking care of yourself, but also tempt you and offer you everything: sweets, pizza slices …