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The 5 most common makeup mistakes: how to avoid them



Putting on makeup is part of our routine and something we do almost without thinking and out of inertia. There are women who make up in a more obvious way and others more subtly but the one that does the most or the least, even with a little powder, some mascara and running. This makes us all develop our tricks and tricks that we end up considering 'our' make up, but at the same time, most of us continue to make mistakes when it comes to putting on makeup, and some are insurmountable.

Makeup is an ally to make us look better but if we don't do it the right way it can become an enemy in no time. We have compiled the 5 most common mistakes that make our makeup not flattering us and, worst of all, that it takes years on us. Always keep them in mind, especially if you are a beginner.

  • Mistake 1: Not caring for your skin

They say that there is no better makeup than beautiful skin , and it is a truth like a temple. Taking care of our face and keeping it clean and hydrated, above all, is key so that we wear what we wear feels good. But there is more, and that is that with a skin that has light and is healthy we can do without makeup bases, or at least the most covering when we want to go more natural without worries.

How to take care of our skin correctly? The essential thing is to clean it thoroughly , even if we have not put makeup on, the pores on our face get dirty from the contact with the air, our hands or the pillow. Clean your face morning and night and do it seriously, you will notice the difference. Of course, hydrate it so that it maintains its water levels and expression lines do not appear . And treat it with a serum and an eye contour. Do not be overcome by laziness. The facial routine is beauty but also health, and well-being!

  • Mistake 2: Bad choice of foundation

Choosing the wrong makeup base is the most common mistake, and that is that the universe of bases is very wide. Finishes, coverage, tones, types … There are matt and other moisturizing foundations, there are sticks, fluids, cc cream, bb cream … Which is mine? Fundamentally, we must take into account what type of skin we have, what finish we like and what the tone is.

Older skins usually need a more hydrating and luminous base to avoid marking wrinkles , the same as if you like a more dewy and juicy finish. Then there is coverage, for example if you have uneven skin tone or need to spend more hours in makeup for a special event.

But the most common mistake is that we use shades darker or lighter than our skin. The base must be adapted to our skin color, which is not the same in winter as in summer. How to choose (well) the tone? The ideal is to try it on the neck, chin or chin, and the one that is completely blurred, that is yours. If you want to look more brunette, tan with the powder afterwards, but never raising the color of the base, it will create a mask effect and it will turn off a lot.

Of course, if you have dry skin, forget about matte foundations (at least without a good moisturizing primer first). And if, on the other hand, you have very oily skin, bet on an oil-free and non-comedogenic makeup base.

  • Mistake 3: The outline

The eyeliner or liner is an art, but beyond knowing how to do it, the first thing we have to take into account is which one suits us according to our type of eye.For example, a common mistake is to make up the water line and the lower eyelashes when you have a small eye. This will make it look even smaller and what we want is to open our eyes.

Another mistake that we usually make is reaching the eyeliner to the tear when, on the contrary, it is much more beautiful illuminated. Of course, if you make the eye line on the eyelid that is completely glued to the lashes , there is nothing more unsightly than the typical white gap between the liner and the lashes.

  • Mistake 4: The blush

The blush is the step of makeup that gives us the best face almost instantly, but we make many mistakes when using it. For example, giving it too much intensity or applying it always the same when we should always take into account the shape of our face. And our age too.

We also have to take into account the color, for example for lighter skin a more pink blush is ideal and for brunettes a peach effect good face . And, of course, keep in mind the finish, if we want it more luminous or matte.

  • Mistake 5: lip color

Beyond the fact that the lip color is in tune with the rest of the makeup or clothes, it must be borne in mind that dark colors make the lip smaller . Therefore, if you have very thin lips, you should avoid these tones and give it volume by outlining and making up with nude or gloss colors (a touch in the center of the lip is a trick to make our lips more plump and irresistible).

The misuse of concealer, the abuse of powders, not using primers or primers or forgetting about the eyebrows are other big mistakes we make when putting on makeup, but not the only ones. We leave you more errors to which we have to solve NOW.