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The 10 most dangerous and toxic cleaning products for your health

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1. Multi-purpose, laundry soap and dishwasher

1. Multi-purpose, laundry soap and dishwasher

Most of these cleaning products contain alcohol, propylene glycol, and sodium tripolyphosphate. Alcohol can cause nausea and vomiting if ingested; propylene glycol is an irritant and can cause damage to the immune system; and sodium tripolyphosphate irritates the skin and can cause blindness in direct contact with the skin and eyes.

2. Flavoring

2. Flavoring

The fragrance or perfume of floor cleaners and other household detergents can cause asthma, nausea, skin irritations, sudden mood swings, depression, and memory loss. The culprit is EDTA, a persistent organic pollutant and super harmful to the environment.

3. Detergent for the bathroom and toilet

3. Detergent for the bathroom and toilet

It usually contains chlorine, a chemical that irritates the skin, eyes, and lungs. It also usually contains paradichlorobenzene, which can damage the eyes, nose, and nervous system. And in those that are disinfectants, there is usually phenol, a very harmful component if ingested as it is potentially carcinogenic.

4. Window cleaner

4. Window cleaner

Most of these products are made from ammonia, a compound that in high concentrations can irritate the eyes, throat and respiratory tract, as well as inflame the lungs and destroy the gastric mucosa, as well as damage to the epidermis.

5. Bleaches

5. Bleaches

One of its components, sodium hypochlorite, is especially harmful. Ingested in large amounts, it causes delirium, low blood pressure, and severe damage to the esophagus and stomach. It should never be mixed with ammonia as it produces a chemical reaction that releases toxic gas.

6. Oven cleaners and plungers

6. Oven cleaners and plungers

To combat grease and jams, they usually contain sodium hydroxide or caustic soda, a product that can cause serious damage to the gastric and digestive system if ingested. This compound is also often found in disinfectant and anti-fungal products.

7. Degreasers

7. Degreasers

They often contain toxic butyl solvents, which can damage the liver, kidneys, and central nervous system. They are also usually carried by multipurpose and glass cleaners.

8. Anticals and metal cleaners

8. Anticals and metal cleaners

Its harmful element, among others, is hydrochloric acid or muriatic acid, which is super corrosive and irritating to any tissue that comes into contact with it. Very high exposure to this acid can cause fluid in the lungs and death from suffocation.

9. Shoe and floor polishers

9. Shoe and floor polishers

Be very careful if among its components you see that it contains nitrobenzene, a very toxic and easily absorbable product through the skin, lungs and intestine in case of contact, breathing it in large quantities or ingesting it. It can cause serious damage to the nervous system, defects in fetuses and even death.

10. Furniture polishes

10. Furniture polishes

They usually contain formaldehyde, a compound classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as a "confirmed human carcinogen."

Do not worry…

Do not worry…

… because there are much more natural and less harmful alternatives. Check out the best homemade cleaning products that will leave your house like a whistle.

There is a widespread belief that cleaning products are safe and harmless, but as you have seen many are extremely harmful to health if they come into contact with them. And not only if they are accidentally ingested, but also when inhaled or when they come into contact with the skin, eyes, nose and mouth.

Toxic Cleaning Products: How to Avoid Hazards

Although not all detergents contain these toxic substances and compounds, follow the recommendations below if you want to reduce risks.

  • Try to ventilate the room well while you are cleaning.
  • Keep cleaning products tightly closed, and in a safe place, out of the reach of children or pets.
  • When cleaning, protect yourself with gloves and suitable clothing, and be very careful with splashes in the eyes, nose, mouth and skin in general.
  • Please read both the instructions for use and the hazard warnings carefully and follow them.
  • Avoid those products that contain warnings and words such as dangerous, toxic, irritant, corrosive …
  • Opt for biodegradable, ecological products, without phosphates, without parabens, with vegetable oils such as coconut and citrus fruits, as well as in recyclable packaging so as not to harm your health or the environment.
  • Never mix products (especially caustic soda and ammonia) as they can result in a super toxic chemical reaction.
  • Dilute them in water to reduce their harmful effects on health. Toxicity can vary greatly depending on the quantity and concentration of the product.
  • Whenever you can, opt for old home cleaning tricks such as resorting to lifelong soap, using two buckets (one with soapy water and the other with clean water to rinse), wiping non-detergent microfiber cloths to remove remains from a clean surface .
  • And try less harmful substances like vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, lemon or bicarbonate, stars of household cleaning products.