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Mouth Sores or Canker Sores: How Can They Heal Fast?

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Sores or canker sores are white or yellow ulcers surrounded by a red halo. They measure between 3 and 8 millimeters and appear in the mouth, inside the cheeks, lips, on the tongue, palate or gums. They are not dangerous injuries, but they are very annoying.

Dr. Juan Carlos PĂ©rez Varela, president of the Spanish Society of Orthodontics, recalls that they disappear on their own after a week or, sometimes, fifteen days. Even so, it tells us how we can cure them to alleviate the pain and itching they produce. In addition, it explains to us what are the frequent causes of its appearance and what signs can make us suspect that they may be something more serious.

Why do canker sores appear?

There are several causes, although the most common are trauma, for example, from friction, a blow or because you have bitten yourself.

  • 'Brackets'. If you wear orthodontics , it is common for you to suffer them, since the sores are produced by the traumatic friction between the surface of the 'appliance' and the oral mucosa, the surface of the tongue or the lips. In these cases, the sores cause pain and burning and can make it difficult to speak or eat.
  • Food deficits. Lack of vitamin B12, folic acid or iron can lead to its appearance.
  • You are low of defenses . They may be related to an infection or a depressed immune system.
  • Nerves . If you go through a time of more stress or anxiety, you have a higher risk of suffering from thrush if you are prone.
  • Allergy . In the mouth there are bacteria to which you can develop an allergic reaction.
  • Hormonal disorders . In predisposed women, they can appear during menstruation or menopause.
  • Smoke. Tobacco is toxic and can also affect the mouth. The best thing you can do to improve the health of your mouth and your entire body is to quit smoking.
  • Behcet's disease . It is characterized by inflammation of various parts of the body and the appearance of sores in the mouth or on the sexual organs.
  • Other causes . Some chemicals, very hot substances, toothpastes, or some medications are also likely to cause mouth sores.

How to cure mouth sores

Your doctor or pharmacist will tell you what you can do to heal them faster. In general, they are usually cured with:

  • Topical treatments . Although there is no specific therapy for this condition, the most common is the application of local topical treatments or rinses with anti-inflammatory drugs (such as carbenoxolone, dexamethasone, triamcinolone. You can also rinse with water and salt.
  • Dental wax . In patients with braces , dental wax can also be used while the lesions heal. But do not abuse, since the mucosa will not adapt to these devices and will lead to the appearance of these lesions.
  • Drugs . In more serious (rare) cases, antibiotics (tetracycline, minocycline) are used. And in very exceptional cases, treatments with oral or local immunomodulators.
  • Don't use alcohol . Mouthwashes with alcohol should not be used as they can make the sores worse.
  • Better to be safe . Although there are no 100% guarantees so that they will not appear again, it is essential to maintain correct oral hygiene, follow the diet steps explained above, avoid stress and tobacco and solve all infections or hormonal disorders that may cause their appearance .

Natural remedies for sores or canker sores

These treatments ease and speed up the healing process

  • Aloe vera. Apply pure aloe vera gel directly to the sore 1 to 3 times a day for a week.
  • Dragon's blood. The sap of this tree is a powerful healing agent. It is applied on canker sores, 2 or 3 times a day, for a week.
  • Licorice. The root promotes healing and reduces pain. Use it by chewing it for two minutes or as a rinse (a decoction is prepared with a tablespoon of the root per glass), 1 to 2 times a day.

How to prevent canker sores

There are several ways to prevent thrush from appearing in the mouth. For example:

  1. A good diet . Try to be varied, rich in vegetables and fruits, and eat foods rich in vitamin C and omega 3, since they are nutrients that will help prevent the appearance of these lesions.
  2. Warm food . If you are one of those who prefer very hot meals, avoid it. High temperatures can irritate the mouth and promote the appearance of flares.

Do canker sores or mouth sores indicate something serious?

In principle, mouth sores do not have to worry because, in themselves, they do not pose any health risk.

However, if the wounds tend to reappear, are large and deep, and do not heal, it is advisable to consult a doctor to assess whether there is any relationship to another disease. Mouth cancer, for example, can sometimes manifest itself as a simple open sore or wound in the mouth that has not gone away.