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Recommended books to read this summer

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A shade, a little breeze, and a good book. What a great plan! I don't know about you, but I like to go safe and take full advantage of these reading moments and I like to find one of those books that absorb you and do not let you take your eyes off its pages: crime novels with unexpected twists, romantic novels that keep you on edge and with your feelings on the surface or that make your temperature rise … So here are our recommended summer books, because they are a sure hit.

A shade, a little breeze, and a good book. What a great plan! I don't know about you, but I like to go safe and take full advantage of these reading moments and I like to find one of those books that absorb you and do not let you take your eyes off its pages: crime novels with unexpected twists, romantic novels that keep you on edge and with your feelings on the surface or that make your temperature rise … So here are our recommended summer books, because they are a sure hit.

The Purple Network

The Purple Network

For me and this is very personal, Carmen Mola was the great discovery of last year with her novel La novia gitana. If you have not read it, start with it before reaching The Purple Network , because although it is a new case, the personal life of the protagonist, Inspector Elena Blanco, has continuity with a subplot as powerful as the main one. In this book, Mola takes us down to the Deep Web to try to dismantle a network of soulless people who leave corpses in their wake while recording snuff movies. Get ready for a chill to run down your spine …

The Purple Network, Carmen Mola
Ed. Alfaguara, € 18.89

Silver road

Silver road

Stina Jackson is called to be one of the great authors of the crime novel and she shows it in this book that mixes the elements of the typical Scandinavian crime novel with elements of the American Southern Gothic and, despite what it may seem, the mixture is successful . Silver Road is the story of the disappearance of a girl on a Swedish road that recalls the disappearance of another girl on that same road …

Silver Road, Stina Jackson
Ed. RBA, € 18.05

Long sea petal

Long sea petal

For me, there is no summer without a novel by Isabel Allende. I perfectly remember the summer in which I discovered Eva Luna, the first Allende book I read, and all those that have followed. And if all these books have one thing in common, it is that they never disappoint. Allende is a master when it comes to building characters and plots. This time the characters in the novel flee from the Spanish civil war to end up in Allende's Chile, which is a journey through the last century, but their history is written in lowercase letters, the one that best reflects the experiences of the people.

Long petal of the sea, Isabel Allende
Ed. Plaza & Janés, € 21.75

The disappearance of Annie Thorne

The disappearance of Annie Thorne

Last year CJ Tudor had us on edge with The Chalk Man and this year he promises to do the same with The Disappearance of Annie Thorne . This new novel is going to make your hair like spikes because yes, a girl disappears, but reappears, instead, she does not seem like herself and, as her brother confesses, “I am unable to admit, even to myself, that a sometimes my sister terrifies me ”. She will do it with her and she will do it with you. Get ready to have a really … well, a terrible time.

The disappearance of Annie Thorne, CJ Tudor
Ed. Plaza & Janés, € 17.94

The last

The last

A novel as original as it is surprising that is sweeping Great Britain and the United States and is called to be the “summer novel” in our country. The protagonist is Jon Keller, a man isolated in a Swiss hotel along with twenty other people after a series of nuclear explosions that make it difficult to know what happened outside his accommodation. But among these twenty survivors there is a murderer and Jon must find out who he is if he wants to survive.

The last ones, Hanna Jameson
Ed. RBA, € 18.05

If this is a woman

If this is a woman

Lorenzo Silva puts aside the series of Bevilacqua and Chamorro to give life to the homicide inspector Manuela Mauri, whom he has created with four hands together with Noemí Trujillo. And the first case in which Mauri is introduced to us will not leave you independent. It is about "Operation Landfill", because it is about clarifying the origin of some human remains that appeared in the Pinto and Valdemingómez landfills, remains that do not allow a corpse to be completed or give a clue as to who the murderer is. What or who is Mauri facing? We are already wanting to get to the last page …

If this is a woman, Lorenzo Silva and Noemí Trujillo
Ed. Destino, € 18.05

The blindness of the crab

The blindness of the crab

A black novel that has a lot of real denunciation. In La ceguera del crab , Alexis Ravelo denounces the greed that has so damaged the ecosystem of the Canary Islands and does so through a thriller in which Sergeant Fuentes arrives in Lanzarote to investigate the death of his girlfriend, Olga, a death which has been described as accidental, but which he finds highly suspicious. Olga was researching herself to write the biography of César Manrique, the architect who defended sustainable construction. Fuentes believes that Olga discovered something that led her to be silenced …

The blindness of the crab, Alexis Ravelo
Ed. Siruela Policiaca, € 18.95



Will Maxim Trevelyan match Christian Gray? And will the mysterious Alessia Demachi remind us of Anastasia? Just to know it is worth immersing ourselves in the latest novel by EL James, the famous author of Fifty Shades of Gray. For this reason and because we still have very vivid images of her previous trilogy engraved in the retina, it is a book to throw in the suitcase.

Mister, EL James
Ed. Grijalbo, € 17.94

The dark nothing

The dark nothing

This is the second case of FBI agent Caitlin Hendrix, an expert in murderer profiling, something like what "Criminal Minds" do on TV. This time he has to face a serial killer plaguing South Texas inspired by the famous Ted Bundy, but, to our horror, the question he wants us to answer is whether a cold serial killer can be charming. …

The dark nothing, Meg Gardiner
Ed. RBA, € 18.05

Rivers of london

Rivers of london

We know, the saga is in the fourth installment, but for those of us who have not started it, we have to go to the beginning, which is none other than this Ríos de Londres . In this book we meet Peter Grant, who has been said to be a Harry Potter turned cop. And it is that the author, Ben Aaronovitch, scriptwriter of series like Doctor Who or Casualty, has curdled a book that has a lot of Harry Potter but also of Sherlock Holmes. Does the mix call you? We invite you to try it and you will see how having four books published will tell you little …

Rivers of London, Ben Aaronovitch
Oz Editorial, € 17

Disappeared in Siboney

Disappeared in Siboney

With colonial Cuba as a backdrop, this novel is as much a thriller as it is a love novel. An Antillean millionaire returned to Barcelona at the end of the 19th century has to return to Cuba after the disappearance of his sister. There, this man who loves all pleasures will meet Deva, who will captivate him, as Rosario Raro's novel will do with you.

Disappeared in Siboney, Rosario Raro
Ed. Planeta, € 19.85

Shadow Eaters

Shadow Eaters

Lucie Blackman disappears in Japan. The only thing left of her is a message sent to her best friend in which she tells her that she has joined a cult, which turns out not to be true because the truth is much more terrifying. The book subtitle talks about the “case of the young English woman who found hell in Tokyo”. We do not have more to add.

Eaters of Shadows, Richard Lloyd Parry
Ed. RBA, € 20.90



We had doubts about recommending a potentially torrid novel for summer days, but since you are going to devour it in no time, we believe that there is no risk of death by combustion. Think that the subtitle is "Nobody said he was a saint" and no, Malcom Saint is not a saint, but women do not usually care …

Sin, Katy Evans
Ed. Chic, 16.05

Damn Stockholm syndrome

Damn Stockholm syndrome

This book, which already has a second part, is the winner of the Chic Romance Novel Award 2018. Ana goes to work in laboratories under the command of Iceman, that is, Eric, who has a reputation for being cold, distant but also predatory sexual. Soon, Ana discovers that Eric is not who everyone thinks he is and the relationship between them grows closer and closer …

Damn Stockholm syndrome, Carmen Sereno
Ed. Chic, € 15.10

We, in the singular, say you and me

We, in the singular, say you and me

This romance novel is going to steal your heart but without having to sell your soul to the devil, as with titles in which the male prototype is dominant, controlling and abusive. On the contrary, in the first pages, Ada sends Rafa out for a walk, who leaves her a difficult “backpack” to carry in order to have a new relationship. But… Ada succeeds, and not because Gonzalo appears in her life, but because she discovers that the first thing she must learn to relate to and love is with herself.

We, in the singular, say you and me, Paula Miñana
Ed. Espasa, € 14.15

After Kim

After Kim

As painful as it is surprising. González-Sinde's novel dissects the relationships of a former partner based on the death of her daughter and the disappearance of her grandson. Yes, you will want to know who the murderer is, but you will enjoy-suffer throughout the journey until you find him, you will live in the skin of the characters page by page, feeling the weight of their guilt, the pain of their loss… Absolutely absorbing.

After Kim, Ángeles González-Sinde
Duomo Ediciones, € 17.58

The mercenary who collected works of art

The mercenary who collected works of art

El Parse, Hook, Strelkinov … The mercenary who stars in this novel has used many pseudonyms throughout his life, which is about to reach his seventies and forces him to look back and review a hectic trajectory that took him from being one from the most wanted by the FBI to one of the protected confidants of the CIA Everything he did, he did in the name of freedom, but today, after years of struggle, he feels disenchanted with everything …

The mercenary who collected works of art, Wendy Guerra
Ed. Alfaguara, € 17.55

Memories of the future

Memories of the future

I've always thought that Paul Auster should be known as Siri Hustvedt's husband and not the other way around. This great American novelist, author of titles that, if you have not read, I recommend, such as Lily Dahl's Spell , All I Loved or Elegy for an American , now presents Memories of the Future , a false memoir that is, to the Once, a psychological thriller that takes us back to the 70s without forgetting the present of an America under Trump's rule. Don't miss it and enjoy Hustvedt's hypnotic pen.

Memories of the future, Siri Hustvedt
Ed. Seix Barral, € 19.95

Before the terrible years

Before the terrible years

"Before the terrible years I was a happy kid." That explains Isaías Yoweri, known in Barcelona as the black of bicycles, a 36-year-old young man, about to become a father with his partner, Lucía, but who still wakes up at night screaming in fear for that child who was in Uganda, from which he had to flee as a teenager and to which he now decides to return to face his past.

Before the terrible years, Víctor del Árbol
Ed. Destino, € 19.85

The Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

The Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

Weeks after the end of Game of Thrones, do you still notice a void that you don't know how to fill? The knight of the seven kingdoms comes to your aid. The action takes place 100 years before the books that led to the series, before King Robert Baratheon sat on the Iron Throne, before his death plunged the Seven Kingdoms into utter chaos, when the Targaryen family ruled Westeros tyrannically. In this context, we will learn about the exploits of Dunk, the squire of a wandering knight, and Egg, a mysterious boy who, years later, will give rise to the plots of "A Song of Ice and Fire."

The Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, George RR Martin
Ed. Debolsillo, € 23.69



What if you were alone, floating adrift in the middle of space and the only one who could save your life was the same one who broke your heart? This is the premise of The Astronaut, a thriller about survival, which is a race against time to escape certain death but, at the same time, a descent into the depths of the human soul.

The astronaut, SK Vaughn
Ed. Plaza & Janés, € 17.94



When you start, you won't let go. It has action, romance, drama … What would your life be like if you lived under a tyranny and if, on top of that, as you resemble the most hated princess of the regime, they kidnapped you to force you to be their double because someone could attempt on their life? It is the reality of Amani and the beginning of a great adventure.

Mirage, Somaiya Daud
Ed. Hidra, € 16.62

The imprint of evil

The imprint of evil

Some boys sneak into the archaeological excavation of Atapuerca and discover the body of Eva Santos. Eva, 22 years old, was passionate about Prehistory, she liked to paint her body like the first hominids, hunt with her hands and practice primitive sex … And if her case seems unique to you, discard it, because it is traced to one of six years before. Silvia Guzmán will be the investigator in charge of the two cases, the one who will face Evil (and with an ex who promises to destabilize her).

The mark of evil, Manuel Ríos San Martín
Ed. Planeta, € 18.90

Apartment for two

Apartment for two

Leon and Tiffy share a bed but… they don't know each other. It is a "warm bed". She occupies it at night and he during the day and because of their respective jobs, they don't even cross paths. Notes are left to solve practical problems like paying bills … but note by note, things change between these strangers and what can happen if they meet face to face?

Flat for two, Beth O'Leary Ed. Sum, € 18.90

The Lonely Hearts Library

The Lonely Hearts Library

If you are a hopeless romantic you cannot miss it and if your heart has ever been broken, it will stir something inside you. But this is the story of two broken hearts and terrible life scars that meet and will they heal together? That is what we are going to discover as we get excited, suffer, and read with relish.

The Lonely Hearts Library, Robert Hillman
Ed. Sum, 18.90

The Symphony of Chance

The Symphony of Chance

The magic pen of Douglas Kennedy is back, a novelist who portrays the human soul like no one else and whose stories never leave you indifferent. He always manages to touch some corner of your soul and keep you pending the story until the last page, as if the destiny of the protagonists was your own. This time, Kennedy confronts us with the complex universe that represents a family, that of Alice, which communicates through lies and secrecy, a relentless family drama set against the backdrop of the Reagan era and, as always, the city of New York.

The Symphony of Chance, Douglas Kennedy
Ed. Harp, € 21.75

The Oak Crossroads

The Oak Crossroads

You will fall in love with the western again with this addictive and moving novel, which will remind you of the novels of Mark Twain. The action is set in Texas during the civil war and its protagonists are Samantha and Benjamin, fatherless and who see their mother die attacked by a hungry panther. Sam only seeks revenge on behalf of his mother and for this he will have the help of an outlaw, Pacheco … Are you joining the adventure?

The Oak Crossroads, Elisabeth Cook
Ediciones Siruela, € 20.85

Placid death

Placid death

The new saga of Charlaine Harris, acclaimed author of the cult series True Blood, begins. The protagonist is Lizbeth Rose, a young mercenary who makes a living in what was once the United States. Lizbeth receives a job offer from a pair of Russian magicians to be her guide and bodyguard as they search, among the towns along the Mexican border, for a low-level practitioner of magic named Oleg Karkarov. Lots of magic, lots of action and lots of mystery …

Placid Death, Charlaine Harris
Colmena Ediciones, € 18.05

Christie Agatha

Christie Agatha

Yes, we have put a biography as an addictive book for the summer, but not only is Agathe Christie's work recommended for any day at the beach or pool, but her life is so exciting that you will not be able to stop reading until you reach the last page. Christie was a free spirit, an emancipated woman who traveled the world and was carried away by her talent and tenacity, without respecting the limits imposed by being a woman.

Agatha Christie, María Romero
Ed. RBA, € 11.40



Where does that trust that we place in friends come from? To what extent can we trust that friend we just opened our doors to? Is it a mistake to trust someone right away? Sophie will ask herself all these questions when her son Ben is in a car accident in which her new friend Emma might have something to do with …

The friend, Teresa Driscoll
Ed. Principal de los Libros, € 17.95

We know that you love to read and that during the holidays you have more time to do it. You may fill your suitcase with books and travel light but with your ebook well loaded. Therefore, we give you our list of books for the summer, so that you have it easier when deciding which ones to take with you. But, beware, they are the kind that hook …

Recommended books for this summer

Silver Road, Stina Jackson (Ed. RBA)

Disappeared in Siboney, Rosario Raro (Ed. Planeta)
After Kim, Ángeles González-Sinde (Duomo Ediciones)
Disappearance of Annie Thorne, CJ Tudor (Ed. Plaza & Janés)
Eaters of Shadows, Richard Lloyd Parry (Ed. RBA)
The mercenary who collected works of art, Wendy Guerra (Ed. Alfaguara)
The blindness of the crab, Alexis Ravelo (Ed. Siruela Policiaca)
Ríos de Londres, Ben Aaronovitch (Oz Editorial)
Memories of the future, Siri Hustvedt (Ed. Seix Barral)
The astronaut, SK Vaughn (Ed. Plaza & Janés)
The dark nothing, Meg Gardiner (Ed. RBA)
Long petal of the sea,Isabel Allende (Ed. Plaza & Janés)
Before the terrible years, Víctor del Árbol (Ed. Destino)
The last ones, Hanna Jameson (Ed. RBA)
Placid death, Charlaine Harris (Colmena Ediciones)
The library of lonely hearts, Robert Hillman (Ed. Suma)
Pecado, Katy Evans (Ed. Chic)
The crossroads of the oak, Elisabeth Cook (Editions Siruela)
The Purple Network, Carmen Mola (Ed. Alfaguara)
We, in the singular, say you and me, Paula Miñana (Ed. Espasa)
Mister, EL James (Ed. Grijalbo)
If this is a woman, Lorenzo Silva and Noemí Trujillo (Ed. Destino)
The knight of the seven kingdoms, George RR Martin (Ed. Debolsillo)
Flat for two, Beth O'Leary (Ed. Suma)
Mirage, Somaiya Daud (Ed. Hidra)
The footprint of evil, Manuel Ríos San Martín (Ed. Planeta )
Agatha Christie, María Romero (Ed. RBA)
The friend, Teresa Driscoll (Ed. Principal of Books)