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The best series according to the writing of clara: netflix, hbo, amazon prime ...

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Luigi Veronelli –Italian gastronomer, wine critic and intellectual– coined the phrase: "Life is too short to drink bad wine" and, saving the distance, we could say something similar about the situation we are living now …  Confinement already It's hard enough to watch bad series, don't you think?

So to save you work and make this quarantine more bearable, we have decided to compile in this article the best series according to the CLARA writing  and share them with you. There are all types, romantic, action, those that make you think … Most are current but there are others that are not so, but they all have something in common: they hook.

It's great to do sports at home every day, tidy up the fridge, meditate and get into the practice of yoga, cook new recipes or learn to play an instrument, but you won't deny me that from time to time I want a little  dolce far niente … . 

It does not matter if this quarantine is keeping you active and you have already seen all the series that you had pending or if you only have one hour a day available for you, in this list that we have prepared with all our love, there is a series for you!

And the goal of this selection is none other than to help you cope with confinement with a little more fun.

If in addition to watching series and movies you love to read, you are in luck because we have also made a selection with books that will catch you so much that they will make you stop looking at your mobile.

Well what, shall we start? Hit play!

Luigi Veronelli –Italian gastronomer, wine critic and intellectual– coined the phrase: "Life is too short to drink bad wine" and, saving the distance, we could say something similar about the situation we are living now …  Confinement already It's hard enough to watch bad series, don't you think?

So to save you work and make this quarantine more bearable, we have decided to compile in this article the best series according to the CLARA writing  and share them with you. There are all types, romantic, action, those that make you think … Most are current but there are others that are not so, but they all have something in common: they hook.

It's great to do sports at home every day, tidy up the fridge, meditate and get into the practice of yoga, cook new recipes or learn to play an instrument, but you won't deny me that from time to time I want a little  dolce far niente … . 

It does not matter if this quarantine is keeping you active and you have already seen all the series that you had pending or if you only have one hour a day available for you, in this list that we have prepared with all our love, there is a series for you!

And the goal of this selection is none other than to help you cope with confinement with a little more fun.

If in addition to watching series and movies you love to read, you are in luck because we have also made a selection with books that will catch you so much that they will make you stop looking at your mobile.

Well what, shall we start? Hit play!

The Crown

The Crown

According to Mamen, CLARA's director, The Crown is simply a must. If you think that Lady Di in the royal family was the strongest thing that happened to them, it is because you do not know everything that happened before. He is like a big brother from the past of the British royal family.

  • Where: Netflix



One of those productions made in Spain that manages to catch you. Recommended by Encarna, the magazine's beauty manager, Hierro is a police thriller that tells the story of Candela, a judge who has just been sent to the island of El Hierro as punishment for her behavior. As soon as she arrived on the island, she had to deal with a complicated case …

  • Where: Movistar +

Z: The beginning of everything

Z: The beginning of everything

We read in FilmAffinity: "Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald is a bright and talented young woman who became a true icon of the jazz world in the 1920s. Ahead of her time, she does not hesitate to fight for her dreams and leave her mark on the The young woman meets Scott Fitzgerald, a man with whom she falls madly in love and with whom she lives a passionate love story. Little by little, and almost without realizing it, they are getting into a spiral of self-destruction which will be very difficult to get out. " With this synopsis, it is not surprising that Inés, our Art Director, felt the irrepressible need to see it.

  • Where: Amazon Prime



The premiere of its last season caused the Netflix servers to collapse and it is no wonder. If you have seen the previous seasons, surely you have seen this one as well and how hooked! I am a super fan of Elite and, although I may not confess it, my colleague, Laura Pérez Llorca -Digital Director-, was also hooked! I'm more from Valerio and she from Guzmán … What team are you from?

  • Where: Netflix



I must confess that I had not heard of this series until Carme, CLARA's Chief Editor, told us about it. It is about the adventures of fire station number 19 in the city of Seattle.

  • Where: FOX



We are several fans of this series of lawyers who, beyond the curiosity that Meghan Markle may have in her role as an actress, is super entertaining, fun and intriguing in equal measure. Here, as in Elite , it is about teams … are you more like Harvey Specter or Mike Ross?

  • Where: Netflix

The Queen of Flow

The Queen of Flow

If you are a fan of long series like me, La Reina del Flow bears your name. It only has one season but, be careful, with more than 75 chapters, so it gives you to pass the confinement and more … It was recommended to me by a friend and I was hooked from the beginning. Set in Colombia, this telenovela tells the story of Yeimy Montoya's revenge against those who unjustly put her in jail for more than 15 years. Reggaeton, revenge, beautiful people, drug deals, dancing and love … can you ask for more?

  • Where: Netflix

Jane the virgin

Jane the virgin

I have several friends who have already told me about this series but it has been Ale, our community manager and collaborator, who has encouraged us to see it. It begins the moment when Jane - determined to keep her virginity until marriage - discovers that, due to a medical error, she is pregnant!

  • Where: Netflix

The invisible line

The invisible line

Another national production that promises to give a lot to talk about. This has been seen by Lola, our image retoucher, and according to her, it catches you from minute one. This 6-episode mini-series is about the beginnings of ETA. It all started when on June 7, 1968, the leader of ETA, Txabi Etxebarrieta, crossed "the invisible line" assassinating the Galician civil guard José Antonio Pardines, the first of the 853 victims of the terrorist organization.

  • Where: Movistar +



I do not know if it happens to you but for about two weeks I have not stopped hearing about this series. My best friend recommends it to me every day and now, Laura Pérez Llorca, has started to see it and is extremely hooked. Jason Bateman puts himself in the shoes of a financial advisor, with an apparently normal life, but in reality he is in charge of laundering the money of one of the most important drug cartels in Mexico … You can imagine everything that happens to him him and his family.

  • Where: Netflix

The paper house

The paper house

Tokyo, Rio, Nairobi, Denver, the Professor … who has not had all this trupe stuck in the living room? Although just two weeks ago they released the fourth season, we are already several of the newsroom asking for a fifth … Have you seen it? For newcomers, La Casa de Papel begins with the robbery of the mint and then, well … things happen …

  • Where: Netflix



Encarna wants to start seeing her, Mamen has already seen her and Raquel left her in the middle. This series has lovers and detractors in equal measure so it is your decision to start watching it and form your own opinion. It tells the story of Claire Randall, a combat nurse married in the 40s, who is dragged back in time, specifically to 1743. If you like dramas with a historical background and small doses of sex, this is your series. I must say that my mother has been encouraging me to see her for a long time … has the time finally come?

  • Where: Netflix



It is the series that everyone talks about. It has 4 chapters and in it we will meet a young Orthodox Jew who leaves an arranged marriage in New York and heads to Berlin, where her mother lives. It is inspired by the memoirs of Deborah Feldman and, according to Inés and Lola, half of my friends and my brother, it is very worthwhile.

  • Where: Netflix

This is us

This is us

Laura and Mamen are super fans of This is us , so maybe we could give it a try, don't you think? As we read, the series - halfway between drama and comedy - is about a group of people who were born on the same day. This coincidence is the link between the characters …

  • Where: Amazon Prime

Perfect life

Perfect life

If Leticia Dolera comes out in a series, she already has points to succeed. This comedy, recommended by Raquel, our fashion manager, tells the story of three thirty-somethings in the middle of an existential crisis.

  • Where: Movistar +



I just finished this series and I must say that I loved it. I just started watching it and I think it has become my new favorite series. If you are looking for a series of short chapters that allow you to disconnect, do not continue reading because it is not for you. In fact, the chapters last almost like a movie: an hour and a half, and its 4 seasons have no more than 3-4 chapters.

It narrates the adventures of a modern Sherlock Holmes and his inseparable assistant, Dr. Watson. The protagonist is Benedict Cumberbatch and the truth is that he embroiders it. His character manages to drive you on more than one occasion, but in the end you end up worshiping him.

  • Where: Netflix

Live without permission

Live without permission

José Coronado and Álex González lead the cast of this intriguing drama recommended by Inés. The life of the powerful Galician businessman Nemo Bandeira changes suddenly when he is diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Now you have to choose a worthy successor for your business …

  • Where: Telecino and Netflix

Next in Fashion

Next in Fashion

Okay, it is not a series but rather a reality show but it is very engaging. If you like fashion, and you want to discover what the process is like from the idea, garment or collection, until it is executed and presented on the catwalk, you have to see this program presented by the it girl Alexa Chung and Tan France . I recommended it to Raquel, and she finished it before I did!

  • Where: Netflix

Big Little Lies

Big Little Lies

If you haven't seen it yet, you are missing out on one of the best series with female leads in recent times. Friendship, death, abuse, jealousy, envy … She has everything and if not, ask Mamen, she has seen the two seasons in one go!

  • Where: HBO

Vis a vis

Vis a vis

Agustina, our layout designer, confesses that she doesn't have much time to watch series (that's what it takes to have two small children), but that she got hooked on Vis a Vis and is looking forward to seeing the last season. For fans of prison thrillers, Vis a Vis tells the experiences of Macarena, an innocent young woman who ends up in prison and has to learn to survive …

  • Where: Antena 3, Netflix and Fox