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#Retoclara: 10 tricks to cook with fewer calories the 3rd week

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Degrease the soups

Degrease the soups

An infallible trick to degrease soups is to make them carefully. And once boiled, let it cool to room temperature first, and then in the fridge. The fat will solidify and concentrate on the surface. And so you can easily remove it.

Celery béchamel

Celery béchamel

To make a light celery bechamel, you just have to cook half a tablespoon of cornstarch in a knob of butter. Then add half a liter of vegetable broth, a glass of skim milk and five finely chopped celery sticks. Season and stir until béchamel is achieved.

Pasta al dente and flavored

Pasta al dente and flavored

An infallible trick to get more out of pasta is to make it al dente, so you have to chew more and increase its satiating power. And to avoid falling into the temptation of heavy sauces, flavor it by adding bay leaves, or garlic cloves, or a sprig of spearmint, to the cooking water, for example.

Preserving pickled foods

Preserving pickled foods

Preserving pickled foods (vinegar, onion, pepper and bay leaf), as in these pickled vegetables, is much lighter than doing it in oil.

Substitute jam for compote

Substitute jam for compote

It's a very easy way to cut calories. The compote is simmered for more than half an hour, concentrating the natural sweetness of the fruit and without the need to add sugar, as jams do.

Flour substitutes

Flour substitutes

Grated carrots and apples are ideal for reducing the amount of flour in a cake, for example, or as thickeners for sauces and purees. In addition, as they also provide their natural sweetness, you can also reduce the amount of sugar in the recipe in question.

Lighter mayonnaise

Lighter mayonnaise

To lighten the mayonnaise, you can mix a tablespoon of mayonnaise with a tablespoon of yogurt, which has fewer calories. And you can cut more calories by adding a tablespoon of hot water before whipping the mayonnaise that will serve as the base for this light version. Another option is to replace the egg with skimmed milk (two parts of oil for each one of milk). The emulsion that is obtained is the same, but the cholesterol in the yolk is avoided.

Grill or boil the tortilla filling

Grill or boil the tortilla filling

To prepare a potato omelette, zucchini, eggplant … we can grill or boil the ingredients and, thus, we save a lot of fat. Once tender and drained, we add them to the egg. And we finish the tortilla in the pan or, even in the oven with the help of a silicone mold, so we don't even need oil to curdle it.

Light batters

Light batters

Batters are much lighter if instead of bathing food in beaten egg, we do it in skimmed milk. Or even marinate them in milk with a pinch of cinnamon. Or directly only with flour, such as the Andalusian batter.

Pumpkin garnish

Pumpkin garnish

If instead of mashed potatoes, to which butter is usually added, we use pumpkin as a garnish, which can be seasoned with aromatic herbs, we can considerably reduce the energy intake. It can also be made with roasted apple.

In this gallery of images you have 10 infallible tricks to cook with fewer calories. A very useful tool to follow the #Clara Challenge more easily , and thus lose weight, as Laura, one of' compis, has done.

One of the principles to lose weight is an easy diet to follow

Remember that one of the basic pillars to lose weight is to follow a low-calorie diet that is easy to follow without starving, such as the one that Dr.Mª Isabel Beltrán, our private nutritionist, has prepared for the weekly challenge menus.

And if you are following it, these tricks will be a perfect complement to this week's menu (third week menu link) and your shopping list. (third week shopping list link art.570)