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The best television couples in history

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Castle and Beckett, from "Castle"

Castle and Beckett, from "Castle"

Couples in crime series all seem to be cut from the same pattern. The sexual tension was very evident between these two, but being partners seems to put them back a little. Of course, being on the verge of death always unites and, in the end, everything was falling into place and there was even a wedding.

Jamie and Claire from "Outlander"

Jamie and Claire from "Outlander"

Few couples have caused as much sensation lately as Outlander , and that is that Jamie has conquered half the planet in addition to Claire.

Becky and Jesse from "Forced Parents"

Becky and Jesse from "Forced Parents"

They were so cute in the 90s as they are now, that they have returned to our screens thanks to the Netflix series Forced Mothers .

Dylan and Brenda, from "Feeling of Living"

Dylan and Brenda, from "Feeling of Living"

Classic teenage love. Brenda fell in love with the coolest boy in high school, and he fell in love with her. They were the fashionable couple until he cheated on her with his best friend.

Booth and Brennan from "Bones"

Booth and Brennan from "Bones"

They were one of those couples who had seen each other coming for a long time, but the writers insisted on never bringing them together. In the end they gave us a treat and the kiss came. Followed by other things …

Marshall and Lily, from "How I Met Your Mother"

Marshall and Lily, from "How I Met Your Mother"

Marshall and Lily are the cutest and loveliest couple we've ever seen on television. They had set the bar so high that it was impossible for her friend Ted to find love.

Damon and Elena, from "The Vampire Chronicles"

Damon and Elena, from "The Vampire Chronicles"

They started out as "brothers-in-law." Elena was in love with Damon's little brother, Stefan, but he falls in love with her and, inevitably, she with him. But everything happens to this gang of vampire friends and the obstacles they have faced have not been few.

Ana and Alberto, from "Velvet"

Ana and Alberto, from "Velvet"

They too had to face many obstacles. Their love began when they were still children and, although many years passed without seeing each other, they never stopped loving each other. They even got over a sit-in at the altar and the supposed death of Alberto … Almost nothing!

Sydney Bristow and Michael Vaungh, from "Alias"

Sydney Bristow and Michael Vaungh, from "Alias"

These two had us on a hook for at least four seasons. The first two couldn't be together because her boss could kill them both, and when they finally got rid of him, Sydney disappeared for three years and Vaungh had remarried. A drama. Luckily they end up together and with a beautiful family.

Merche and Antonio, from "Cuéntame"

Merche and Antonio, from "Cuéntame"

They are one of the longest lasting couples on television. They have faced so many challenges together (including infidelity) that we have already lost count.

Homer and Marge, from "The Simpsons"

Homer and Marge, from "The Simpsons"

We say that all these couples have faced many obstacles to be together, but none like Homer and Marge. It is what has been on screen for more than 20 years. It's amazing that Marge hasn't asked Homer for a divorce by now.

Michael Scofield and Sara Tancredi, from "Prison Break"

Michael Scofield and Sara Tancredi, from "Prison Break"

His was a full-blown forbidden love. He, a prisoner, and she, the prison doctor, but in the end the inevitable ended up happening and they even had a child, although Michael "died" at the end of the series.

Jack, Kate and Sawyer from "Lost"

Jack, Kate and Sawyer from "Lost"

This more than a couple was a full-blown love triangle. Although Kate broke up with Jack, it was never clear who she really loved. Or if they were alive or dead …

Joey and Pacey, from "Dawson's Grows"

Joey and Pacey, from "Dawson Grows Up"

It seemed that Joey's destiny was to kill Dawson, but nothing could be further from the truth. In the end he opted for the bad friend, much more interesting than the protagonist of the series.

Luke and Lorelai, from "Gilmore Girls"

Luke and Lorelai, from "Gilmore Girls"

If we were clear about something about Gilmore Girls, it was that Luke and Lorelai had to end up together, they were made for each other and they had demonstrated this in each season of the series. What we are not so clear is what will happen to Rory, if the Gilmore return to our screens again.

Ross and Rachel from "Friends"

Ross and Rachel from "Friends"

It was clear that they were the ideal couple from the beginning, but there was something that kept them from being together every time they tried. They got married, they got divorced, they had a daughter and in the end they ended up as we all wanted.

Meredith Gray and Derek Sheperd from "Grey's Anatomy"

Meredith Gray and Derek Sheperd from "Grey's Anatomy"

Misfortunes seemed to haunt this couple, who had to overcome too much. In the end, only the death of "Dr. Macizo" could separate them.

Fatima and Morey, from "The Prince"

Fatima and Morey, from "The Prince"

He was a policeman; she, sister of a drug dealer. And although their love story was most romantic, it ends as expected.

Sheldon and Amy from "The Big Bang Theory"

Sheldon and Amy from "The Big Bang Theory"

This couple of scientists is also very sweet, but their relationship is not at all ordinary. It took them ages to sleep together, but it seems that Sheldon has finally woken up and he's not going to let Amy get away from him.

Mitch and Cam from "Modern Family"

Mitch and Cam from "Modern Family"

We love the dynamics these two have achieved. It is true that they reflect many of the stereotypes that are associated with gay couples, but they have done much to give visibility to a different type of family.

Don and Betty Drapper from "Mad Men"

Don and Betty Drapper from "Mad Men"

They are the perfect example of what never to do in a relationship. He slept with everything that moved and she turned a blind eye, they never talked about their problems, they did not share interests and, in the end, each one went their own way.

Cata y el Duque, from "Without tits there is no paradise"

Cata y el Duque, from "Without tits there is no paradise"

How we like impossible love stories. This one looked a lot like Romeo and Juliet, and it was clear that her ending was going to be almost as tragic as hers.

Buffy and Angel, from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"

Buffy and Angel, from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"

The love story of Angel and Buffy was also one of those impossible. He was a vampire; she, a vampire hunter. So he changed cities and ended up having his own series.

Chandler and Monica from "Friends"

Chandler and Monica from "Friends"

Nobody suspected that these two could end up together in the first seasons of the series, where everything revolved around Ross and Rachel. But they began to be together almost by chance and nothing could ever separate them.

David and Maddie, from "Moonlight"

David and Maddie, from "Moonlight"

The unresolved sexual tension between the two main characters was the great attraction of this series of detectives of the 80. However, when the writers dared to resolve it, the plot was losing steam. Of course, in the end they end up together.

Drogo and Daenerys, from "Game of Thrones"

Drogo and Daenerys, from "Game of Thrones"

"Moon of my life" and "My sun and stars" are the affectionate names that the Khal and Khalessi of the most successful series of the moment dedicated to each other. He died and she went to look for love on another continent.

Ygritte and Jon Snow, from "Game of Thrones"

Ygritte and Jon Snow, from "Game of Thrones"

And he found it in what is supposed to be his nephew, Jon Snow. However, he had already been with the wild Ygritte before, whom, by the way, he is going to marry in real life. Will they invite us to the wedding?

Dr. Ross and Nurse Hathaway, from "ER"

Dr. Ross and Nurse Hathaway, from "ER"

Doug and Carol starred in one of the most famous television love stories of all time. These two characters, played by George Clooney and Julianna Margulies, had a stormy relationship, with a suicide attempt on her part included at the beginning of the series.

Patrick Jane and Teresa Lisbon, from "The Mentalist"

Patrick Jane and Teresa Lisbon, from "The Mentalist"

Like Castle and Beckett, and Booth and Brennan, couples in crime shows take a long time to show their feelings. But they do, like Jane and Lisbon, who ended up saying "Yes, I do" and with a pregnancy announcement.

Phoebe and Cole from "Charmed"

Phoebe and Cole from "Charmed"

In principle, someone who is "The source of all evil" does not look like a good boyfriend, especially if you are a witch and you dedicate yourself to annihilating demons. The story of Phoebe and Cole, although very romantic, was doomed to failure.

Lucas and Sara, from "Paco's Men"

Lucas and Sara, from "Paco's Men"

Another classic of love stories, the boy who falls in love with the boss's daughter. They got married, separated, and got back together at the end of the series.

Carrie and Mr. Big, from "Sex and the City"

Carrie and Mr. Big, from "Sex and the City"

If there is a couple that we did not expect would end up together at the end of the series, it was Carrie and Big. It seemed that theirs had no future, but a Russian artist had to come and take Carrie to Paris so that Big would wake up and admit what she did know, that they were for each other.

Piper and Alex from "Orange is the new black"

Piper and Alex from "Orange is the new black"

Piper was in jail because of his ex-girlfriend, Alex, so when they meet again in prison it doesn't seem like theirs is going to be easy.

Seth and Summer from "The OC"

Seth and Summer from "The OC"

The main love story of the series was another, that of Ryan and Marisa, but they both captured all the attention of the public. And they were predestined. Although they were so different, the fact that the two had toy horses that they talked to was a clue that we should not overlook.

Quimi and Valle, from "Al leaving class"

Quimi and Valle, from "Al leaving class"

Their teenage love story was the lynchpin of one of the most successful series of the late 90s. It was a bit on and off at first, and the two even had other partners, but eventually they ended up together.

Blair and Chuck from "Gossip Girl"

Blair and Chuck from "Gossip Girl"

The Chuck and Blair couple also stole the spotlight from the show's main love story, Serena and Dan. There was a lot of drama, but in the end they overcame all difficulties and ended up getting married (like Dan and Serena).

Aria and Erza from "Pretty Little Liars"

Aria and Erza from "Pretty Little Liars"

One of the most beloved little liars on the screen, Aria (Lucy Hale), formed with Ezra (Ian Harding) one of the most beautiful couples in the series. Theirs was a crush they had to secretly carry when he found out that she was still a minor. They went through a lot, but in the end love was on their side and they ended up marrying, with tears from all included …

Almost every television series includes at least one love story. And it is that viewers like to see ourselves reflected in the characters, feel how they feel and even experience sensations that we do not have. That's why we were hooked on these series and these couples.

Some showed us that love exists; others made us want stories as romantic and complicated as those of their protagonists; and others were so tender and sincere that we wanted them for our own lives. These are the most beautiful and complicated love stories that television has given us.

Love stories on television series

  • Those of tragic love. They are those couples that somehow weren't meant to be together. Their love was so complicated that in the end you either died or they decided it wasn't worth so much suffering. So it happened between Phoebe and Cole, in Charmed ; Cata and the Duke, in Without Tits there is no paradise ; or Fátima and Morey, in El Príncipe.
  • Those of forbidden love. The protagonists of these stories were told that they could not love each other because it was against the rules, but in the end the inevitable ended up happening. We saw it in Alias , between a spy and her supervisor; in Prison Break , between a doctor and a prisoner; between Jon and Ygritte, as he had taken a vow of chastity by joining the Night's Watch in Game of Thrones ; between the vampire slayer Buffy and the vampire Angel.
  • The ones we would like to have. Mitch and Cam, in Modern Family ; Marshall and Lily, in How I Met Your Mother ; Monica and Chandler, on Friends ; or Merche and Antonio, in Cuéntame , are the perfect example of those couples who share an infinite but simple love, who love each other and evolve at the same time.
  • The complicated ones. Neither with you nor without you, as soon as they are together as they leave again and again, although it always coincides that at the end of the series they overcome all their problems. We have seen it on Friends , with Ross and Rachel; in Sex and the City , with Carrie and Big; or in the ER , with Dr. Ross and Nurse Hathaway.
  • The ones that seem like they will never be produced. These are usually those of the police series. We have seen it in Bones , The Mentalist, Moonlight, Castle … in them the protagonists had us in a sinvivir with so much unsolved sexual tension.

By Sonia Murillo