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Flat stomach in 10 minutes: the workout routine of the famous


Take advantage of these days at home to play sports. No, you don't need to force yourself if you don't feel like it, but you will see how after moving a little, you will feel better and you will be more active during the rest of the day.

Today we want to share with you a workout that we have seen with the supermodel Karlie Kross on her Instagram account, with which you only have to invest 10 minutes a day to get a flat and toned stomach . Sounds good right? Will have to prove it!

As Karlie explains in the text that accompanies the video , it is a training that you can do at any time and from any corner, since you do not need any type of equipment, only your body and the desire to achieve it: 'Between class and class , after a meeting by Zoom, or simply to increase your heart rate. 10 minutes. You + me + Team Malone. '

In addition, you do not have to spend the day training, there are times for everything and you will have plenty of time to do a marathon of your favorite series and movies on Netflix, read a book, enjoy your beauty routine, learn new recipes …

Specifically, it only takes 10 minutes to do this routine that Karlie Kross proposes with her personal trainer:

  • The first exercise consists of doing sit-ups for 45 seconds bringing the elbow towards the opposite knee. As you go up, bring your right elbow to touch your left knee, and your left knee to touch your right elbow.
  • The second exercise is called 'side kick plank' and consists of holding 45 seconds in the front plank position, launching small side kicks: alternating first with one leg and then with the other.
  • The third exercise is a 30-second side plank in which you have to move your leg up and back during the position. Repeat for another 30 seconds, changing sides (and legs).
  • The fourth exercise consists of doing squats on one leg (single leg squat) for 30 seconds and at the same time with the arms stretched out, rotating the trunk to one side and the other. Then play it again.
  • The fifth exercise is crunches with rotation . As you raise your body, turn your trunk to the side, return to the center and lower. Then go back up, turn the trunk to the other side, come back to the center and go down again. Like this for 45 seconds.
  • The last exercise is the climber . It consists of doing a front plank and alternately bringing the knees to the chest. You have to hold on for 30 seconds and repeat it again.

It seems incredible that training for so little time can achieve results, but as the model explains, they are very effective exercises and this abdomen routine is more focused on perseverance than time . The important thing is that you take that moment a day to do it and be persistent.

If you want to complete this abdominal routine, we recommend you take a look at the best YouTube channels and Instagram accounts to make exercising at home easier and more fun. There are no excuses!