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Kendall jenner spends only 11 minutes a day exercising

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Kendall Jenner is one of the most sought-after models of the moment and she spends the day from there to here because in addition to her work on the catwalk, she has another series of businesses with her sisters. So, you don't have a lot of time to get in shape. Come on, as happens to the rest of us, but without the glamor of luxury clothes or the help of 3 or 4 assistants. The good news is that we know what exercise routine you follow and that you only spend 11 minutes a day! Girls, the excuse of lack of time no longer works.

Kendall Jenner's 11-minute workout routine

The top is always working and from airport to airport so the amount of time she has available to take care of herself and exercise is not an impediment. And it is that, with only 11 minutes a day , Kendall manages to maintain her already stylized figure. This is the exercise routine that we know follows:

  • Plank with forearms . Rest your forearms on the ground and align your shoulders with your elbows. Raise your entire body, leaving it as straight as possible on the balls of your feet. Be careful not to raise your hips and contract your abdomen and buttocks well. Hold in that position for 30 seconds.
  • Classic iron . Do the same exercise as before but with your arms well stretched. Again, it is important that the shoulders are in line with the wrists. Hold for 30 seconds.
  • Side plank. Support one of your forearms again and raise your body laterally. Make sure your arms form a straight line between them. Place the foot on the side that you have raised over the other and if it is too much for you, cross it in front supporting the plant on the ground. Hold the position for 30 seconds and then do it with the other side of the body for another 15 seconds.
  • Side plank with cruch . In the previous position, raise your top leg and bring that knee and elbow on the same side to collide just in front of the navel. Repeat the exercise 5 times with each leg.
  • Alternating iron . Get into a classic plank position. Raise left leg and right arm and hold for 15 seconds. Repeat with the right leg and the left arm.
  • Dynamic iron . Plank on your forearms and move back and forth for another 15 seconds.
  • Plank with knee to elbow . Do a classic plank but with a crunch, that is, hitting a knee at the level of the navel with the elbow of the opposite arm. Do five reps and switch sides.
  • Set of abs. Lie on your back with your knees bent, place your hands behind your neck and do torso lifts but without pulling your neck with your hands 20 times.
  • Bicycle in the air. In the same position as before, raise your torso and move your legs as if you were pedaling a bicycle for 30 seconds.
  • Vertical sit-ups. Start from the previous position and leave your legs elevated 90º. Do torso lifts for 20 seconds with your hands on the back of your neck.
  • Frog abs . Sit on the ground with your hands supported, raise your knees and stretch and shrink your legs.
  • Oblique Do a classic sit-up but instead of coming up straight ahead, try hitting your elbow with the opposite knee. Do 10 reps on each side.
  • Leg elevation . Lying on your back, raise your legs straight to 90º and lower them alternately until you reach 45º. If you notice that your back arches a lot, do not lower it so much. Do 15 repetitions on each leg.

And if you want to do more sport and want to discover new exercises and ways to stay active, follow Patry Jordán's blog at!