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Infusions to eliminate gas and have a flat stomach

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Infusions to eliminate gases

Infusions to eliminate gases

The causes of annoying gases are multiple. They are often due to what we eat. But they can also be caused by bad habits, such as eating too quickly. And sometimes it is a symptom of other ailments such as ovarian cancer. Here are home remedies for gas based on infusions and some tricks to avoid them and thus feel lighter inside and out.



Anise, both star and seed, is very effective in eliminating gases, as well as controlling intestinal inflammations. Take it as an infusion after large meals, or if you have eaten some very heavy food.

  • Other properties of anise. In addition to fighting gas and bloating, it improves stomach tone.



The seeds of this medicinal herb have an essential oil that stimulates digestion and facilitates the evacuation of gases. You can combine it with star anise and mint.

  • Other properties of cardamom. Stimulates the appetite, fights bad breath and protects teeth.



The chamomile infusion is another of the remedies to get rid of gas. It calms the inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach, facilitates digestion and fights nausea. Combined with aniseed, it goes wonderfully to tackle this problem.

  • Other properties of chamomile. Relieves all kinds of inflammations, flatulence and ulcers.



In addition to having a delicious taste, it works very well to regulate the digestive processes, quickly relieves the feeling of a bloated belly and is also very effective against gas. Combine it with cinnamon or lemon peel.

  • Other properties of mint. It also works well to prevent fluid retention and has an analgesic effect.



It is recommended for people who suffer from colic and flatulence, as it is very good for treating constipation as well as promoting the expulsion of gases and protecting the stomach.

  • Other properties of boldo. It has a diuretic effect, reduces the risk of gallstones and cleanses the liver.



It activates the metabolism (which is why it is one of the spices with fat burning power), facilitates digestion and is effective against abdominal pain produced by gas. Apart from being an infusion, it can be grated and taken a teaspoon before eating or even added to meals to avoid gas.

  • Other properties of ginger. It is also very effective for respiratory and rheumatic diseases.

White pennyroyal

White pennyroyal

Pennyroyal, alone or with mint, is one of the lifelong natural remedies to restore digestive balance, as well as to eliminate intestinal gas. You can add green anise and you will multiply its effects.

  • Other properties of pennyroyal. It is antispasmodic, which helps calm the stomach, and stimulates the liver to increase the secretion of bile.



Laurel has much more uses than to flavor stews. Its benefits for stomach health, as well as for fighting gas and a bloated belly, have been known for ages. It combines very well with cinnamon, which also helps to counteract gas.

  • Other properties of laurel It is anti-inflammatory, works well for colds, fights tiredness and helps regulate menstrual flow.



In addition to breakfast or porridge, oats can also be taken as an infusion and is very effective against gas and a bloated belly. Taking it before or after eating favors intestinal transit and helps the absorption of nutrients.

  • Other properties of oats. It activates the metabolism, is diuretic and has a lot of fiber among other benefits that make oats so healthy.



Also known as meadow fennel or meadow cumin, it helps eliminate gas, reduce flatulence, calm stomach spasms and regulate digestion. It can be taken alone or mixed with mint or anise, which are also very effective.

  • Other properties of caraway. It fights constipation, protects the colon and has antioxidant principles.

The best infusions to eliminate gas

  • Anise
  • Cardamom
  • Chamomile
  • Mint
  • Boldo
  • Ginger
  • White pennyroyal
  • Laurel
  • Oats
  • Caraway

Aside from infusions that fight the annoying gas, there are other things you can do to avoid feeling like a balloon.

Tricks to avoid gas and bloating

  • Drinking water. If you struggle, discover the tricks to drink more water (without realizing it).
  • Avoid carbonated drinks and other foods that you would never say are gassy, ​​such as pasta, apple or coffee.
  • Reduce the amount of salt in your meals.
  • Chew your food well and eat slowly, in a relaxed way and without tension.
  • Practice physical exercise regularly, as it promotes intestinal transit and reduces fluid retention.
  • Stand up to stress and anxiety because, surprisingly enough, they also cause gas.