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Infusions for colds that relieve, decongest and feel good

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Thyme to disinfect and decongest

Thyme to disinfect and decongest

Thanks to its antibacterial power, thyme fights the infection that is behind the cold and, in addition, it reduces fever, helps to clear the airways and soothes throat irritation.

  • How to take it. You can take it as is, in infusion, or also gargle to calm the throat and steam to decongest and expectorate.

Mallow for acute episodes

Mallow for acute episodes

Mallow infusion is considered one of the most effective remedies to relieve the symptoms of acute cold: nasal congestion, itchy throat and strong coughing attacks with irritating effects. Among its many properties is its expectorant and anti-inflammatory power.

  • How to take it. It is usually put a tablespoon per cup and let it infuse 10 minutes before straining it. To soften its medicinal flavor, it is usually accompanied with green anise, which sweetens it.

Elderberry to lower fever

Elderberry to lower fever

This medicinal plant reduces fever, helps to restore mucous membranes and, as it has antirheumatic properties, it is also good to relieve muscle aches and general discomfort caused by the cold.

  • How to take it. Two to three cups a day of the infusion of the dried flowers of the plant are recommended. It is usually combined with licorice, lungwort, eucalyptus or plantain, which relieves irritation of the mucous membranes.

Ginger for cough

Ginger for cough

Among the many beneficial properties of ginger is its expectorant power to soften coughs and decongest during catarrhal processes, as well as relieve fever, muscle pain and headache, and fight infection.

  • How to take it. You can add a slice of fresh ginger or a teaspoon of dried powder directly to the infusion water and boil it for about five minutes. The spicy flavor of this medicinal plant combines very well with honey and lemon, which are also beneficial in relieving colds. Discover here all the benefits of ginger infusion and three super healthy and effective versions.

Sage to calm and disinfect

Sage to calm and disinfect

The infusion of sage leaves is used to fight viruses, calm coughing episodes and reduce inflammation. In addition, it has a tonic and astringent effect that helps to relieve the headache that often accompanies the cold.

  • How to take it. For each cup, put a tablespoon of sage leaves and boil over low heat for about 4 minutes. Then, it is removed from the heat, let it infuse for another 10 minutes and strain. To alleviate its bitter taste, you can combine it with honey and cinnamon, and multiply its benefits with a little lemon juice.

Oregano, a natural antibiotic

Oregano, a natural antibiotic

Due to its powerful antibacterial action, oregano is considered an effective natural antibiotic that also has a soothing effect and helps relieve inflammation in the respiratory tract.

  • How to take it. Add 3 teaspoons of fresh oregano or 1 teaspoon of oregano to a cup of boiling water, cover, and steep for about 10 minutes.

Echinacea to strengthen defenses

Echinacea to strengthen defenses

Another of the remedies to cure a cold quickly is to combine an infusion of echinacea with propolis. This type of resin made by bees has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties that, combined with those of echinacea, enhances the body's defenses to fight viruses and bacteria.

  • How to take it. You put half a teaspoon of echinacea for each cup. It is added when the water boils. Turn it off and let it rest for 10 minutes. And a few drops of propolis extract are added.

Eucalyptus to decongest

Eucalyptus to decongest

Due to its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and expectorant properties, eucalyptus is another of the medicinal plants recommended for diseases that affect the respiratory tract such as colds, flu or asthma.

  • How to take it. Usually a couple of leaves per cup of boiling water are infused for about 8 minutes. It is also very common to steam with this infusion to decongest the respiratory tract and relieve irritation during catarrhal processes.