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Very easy chickpea hummus recipe

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Step by step: beat

Step by step: beat

Open the jar of chickpeas and rinse them well under the tap to remove the salt from the preservative liquid. Then put them in a blender glass or similar. Add a peeled garlic clove and the juice of half a lemon to enhance the flavor. Beat until smooth and thick. Now is the time to give hummus that characteristic flavor with tahini and ground cumin. Keep beating until the ingredients are well integrated.

Step by step: Serve and enjoy

Step by step: Serve and enjoy

Pour the chickpea puree on a plate and garnish with a string of oil (optional) and the olives. You can color it with a little sweet or hot paprika. Remember that spicy has a slight thermogenic effect that helps you reduce fat from your body. If you want to know more about fat burning spices, check out this post.

The company: pita bread

The company: pita bread

Pita bread is the best travel companion for hummus, but if you are on a diet you can change it for carrot sticks, cucumber or red pepper. Or also for "little boats" of lettuce. If you fancy another company, since the dish itself is very light, you can eat it with some nachos, why not?

Eggplant and hummus timbale

Eggplant and hummus timbale

Another idea: if you want to give your hummus a very different style, try preparing an aubergine and chickpea timbale.

See recipe for Timbale with eggplant and hummus.

Believe it or not, you've been eating hummus longer than you think. Do you remember when you were little and your mother used to mash the chickpeas in the stew with a fork? Well that's where the shots go. Hummus is nothing more than a chickpea puree with some magic that makes it a simple, easy to make and very healthy dish. And thanks to our recipe, it is very light.

The traditional dish is made with chickpeas, tahini, olive oil, garlic, and spices. Our version is lighter because the amount of tahini is greatly reduced and we have changed the olive oil for a Greek yogurt. Take note and let us know what you think!

Hummus recipe ingredients:

  • 1 tablespoon tahini (cream of sesame)
  • 1 400g jar of cooked chickpeas
  • Greek yogurt
  • Half lemon
  • 1 clove garlic
  • Ground cumin
  • Sweet or hot paprika
  • black olives

Why is hummus so good to eat?

It is a dish that solves several problems at the same time:

  1. Quick dish. Take a container, add the ingredients, blend and serve.
  2. Aid dish. With nothing in the fridge? Relax, look in your pantry and surely a pot of cooked chickpeas will appear. Having tahini is not so common … but you can also grind the sesame yourself.
  3. Very healthy. If something costs is to eat the 3 recommended servings of legumes weekly. When I try hard, hard I get two … and I think I'm not the only one. Hummus solves this problem. Ale hop! Portion of legumes as a family snack dinner plan.
  4. Cooking for everyone. The kids have a blast dipping the nachos in the hummus. People with a delicate stomach tolerate this recipe very well (and even better without the garlic). It is a vegetarian dish, gluten free and suitable for lactose intolerant if you use a lactose-free yogurt instead of Greek. Who gives more?
  5. And your bones … They will make the wave thanks to the extra dose of calcium that they will receive from the hand of chickpeas, yogurt and sesame.

Did you know…?

The garbanzos, such as meat, eggs and fish, belong to the category of protein foods, with the advantage that they are almost fat free. They also contain around 15 g of fiber per 100 g dry, so they prevent constipation and promote the health of the intestinal flora, important to avoid obesity and to increase defenses.

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