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Gemini horoscope 2019: yearly prediction

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If you were born under the sign of Gemini, prepare to turn everything upside down. Influenced by Pluto, you will rethink everything from top to bottom: from romantic relationships to your professional career, through your habits.

You will have to overcome many challenges, but they are essential to advance

This is how it will go in love

From the beginning of the year, you will be so focused on finding yourself that romantic relationships will take a back seat at first. In the event that you are in a relationship, you will feel the need to step away a little to look at things in perspective and find out what you really expect from love. And in the event that you are single, it will be difficult for you to trust the people who approach you. Now, although it is true that at certain times of the year it will seem that everything collapses as if it were a house of cards, the situation will gradually stabilize and peace and harmony will reign.

  • Time to coldly analyze your relationships. Although you are usually very open and outgoing, the truth is that you will not have much desire to interact with anyone. Throughout the winter, you will maintain a contained and collected attitude that will allow you to coldly analyze the past and present of your relationships, and from there, decide what you expect in the sentimental field in the future. But even though from the outset this withdrawal may cause some friction or conflict with loved ones, in the long run it will be very positive for your relationships.
  • Encontronazos by fault of third parties. In the event that you are in a relationship, it will be an intense year and, at times, complicated. In some moments mutual distrust will make a dent between you. And it is possible that you have a strong clash due to third parties. But it is also very likely that you are so eager to fix it that you will find a way to build bridges that open the way to reconciliation. And as of mid-spring, you will have solved it.
  • Back to the ring of feelings. The arrival of summer will make you regain the desire to socialize and you will be much more open to feelings. In the event that you are paired, you will approach your partner again to smooth things over and share experiences. While in the event that you are single and want to stop being, this will be a good time to get out of your confinement and go in search of love. Also, if there is someone for whom you feel something, take advantage of the good astral conjuncture to put the cards on the table and be honest about what you feel. You do not lose anything by trying.
  • Park the differences and focus on what unites. Autumn will bring stability to your love life. After many ups and downs, it will be time to forget the differences, focus on the things that unite you and take one more step in your relationship if necessary. In the same way that at the beginning of the year you wanted to get away from it all and shut yourself up, in the final stretch of the year the opposite will happen to you. You will really want to be with the people you love and, especially, with your partner or loved one. And if you are meeting someone, do not be surprised that yours ends up consolidating and giving way to a serious relationship.

Mutual mistrust could take a toll on your relationships

This is how it will go with family and friends

In the field of family and friends, communication will be the key that will open or close all doors. However, the most important challenge you will have to face this year is to debate between your need for independence and the need for affection and attention from those close to you.

  • The dilemma of obligations. The first months of the year, you will rethink many things about the way you relate to your family, since you will be very tired of having to do things out of obligation. Family gatherings will give you enormous laziness and a member of the family will be upset by your little involvement. If you want to reduce tension, you will have no choice but not to turn your back on them and attend the celebrations with the best of your smiles. If you do so, the waters will return little by little to their course and both they and you will feel much better. Also, towards the end of winter, you are likely to have a small health mishap and their support will come in handy to cope with it.
  • Decisions about your children. In the event that you have children, it is possible that in spring you will have to make an important decision related to their studies or their professional future. Remember that dialogue is key with them.
  • Good time to celebrate. Coinciding with the arrival of good weather, you will be more animated and you will really want to meet your friends to go out for a drink or go shopping. Looking ahead to your birthday, it would not hurt if you were thinking of celebrating it in some way with the people you love. They have been your main point of support in the most important moments of your life and they will be looking forward to celebrating it with you. Throw the house out the window!
  • Very beneficial reunions. Looking ahead to the summer holidays, it would be very good for you to spend a few days with the family or visit that family member or friend that you have not seen for an eternity. The reunion can be very positive to relativize everything that goes through your head thanks to the fact that he or she sees things from another perspective.
  • Problems coming home. In the middle of summer there is the possibility that a family conflict that you have been dragging on for some time will come to light again. Your first impulse will be to get your claws out and say everything you think about the subject, but if you don't measure your words well, the remedy can be worse than the disease. And the possible friction that you may have with your parents (or in-laws, if you have them) due to a domestic issue around the return to work will not help too much. Whatever happens, the key so that it does not go to more is to be very patient and, when in doubt, not say anything at all.
  • Desire to share happiness. Fortunately, the situation will gradually normalize. You will no longer have so many qualms about spending more time with your family. And as the Christmas festivities approach, the possibility of offering to organize Christmas Eve dinner at home will start to haunt your head. And you will be so happy with everything you have achieved and overcome throughout this year that you will feel that there can be nothing better than to share it with the people you love the most.

You will rethink the way you relate to your family

This is how your work will go

In the professional field, the time has come for you to bury your fears and face new challenges. Although it is true that there will still be some obstacles to overcome, this year many of the problems that you have been dragging for some time will begin to be solved. And if you really put your mind to it, you have a good chance of reaching the goals you have set for yourself.

  • In search of more stability. From the outset, you will be very focused on achieving much more stability or satisfaction in your professional career; which can lead you to want job or task changes that respond to your interests. Everything indicates that it will not cost you too much because you will be very persuasive and it will not be difficult for you to convince your superiors and your co-workers when it comes to defending your positions and your interests. In addition, the influence of Jupiter, the great benefactor, will create a protective aura around you that will help you in everything related to the work environment.
  • Desire to expand horizons. As the year progresses and with the arrival of good weather, you will feel the need to improve your skills and expand your knowledge through studies and other initiatives that help you prosper and broaden your range of professional possibilities. If you are wanting to change jobs or try other things, in mid-spring you will have very good opportunities to do so. But first you will have to prepare very well, so it would not hurt if you did something to recycle and catch up professionally.
  • Need to escape from routine. Starting from your annual reign and during the summer, your natural communication skills will be accentuated thanks to the influence of Mercury, your ruling planet. Something that will come in handy in all areas in general and especially at work when negotiating or seeking agreements. If you have been working in the same place for a long time, you will feel an urgent need to escape from routine by taking on new tasks or responsibilities. In this context and around the summer holidays, there is the possibility that you will be offered a transfer or a totally new job inside or outside your company that could be the stimulus you are looking for.
  • Take advantage of the gift of people. After the holidays, some problems or obstacles could arise that destabilize you. But if you are clear about your goals and are not distracted, you can safely save them. Thanks to your talent and your adaptability, little by little, you will reap all the fruits of the work that you have been doing with great effort. And thanks to your sense of humor and your gift of people, you will solve any conflict that appears unexpectedly.
  • Enjoy what is harvested. In this way, you will arrive at the end of 2019 with a lot of accumulated experience and satisfaction for the work done. It will be the time to relax and enjoy everything you have harvested. However, do not get carried away by an excess of optimism and start spending happily. Even if things are going well for you, austerity will be your best friend for the future.

You will feel the need to expand your knowledge and improve your skills

This is how it will go with money and finances

You will be full of ambition and wanting to achieve everything you set your mind to.

  • The key. If you carry some debts for a long time, this is the time to pay them off and get rid of them.
  • Red light. Be very careful with excessive spending. If you want to prevent greater evils, avoid unnecessary purchases and expenses and focus on what is really essential for the achievement of your goals and objectives.
  • Green light. If what you want is to create your own business, you will have the necessary tools to do so. But it won't be easy. You will have to put everything on your part to get it done.

This is how your health will go

One more year, stress management will be one of your weak points in the field of health and well-being. But will not be the one. You will also have to watch out for joint and muscle pain, as well as allergies. And it would be very good for you to have a general check-up to rule out possible ailments that you have been carrying for some time and of which you may not be aware.

  • Need to radically change habits. Influenced by Pluto, you will feel the need to review every last detail of your life, including health. For this reason, it is more than likely that one of your New Year's resolutions is to put order in your habits and your routines to try to lead a healthier life and in accordance with the way you see the world. On the one hand, you will want to follow a healthier and more balanced diet. And on the other, you will once again put the focus of attention on the need to exercise more in an orderly and rational way. Both in one case and the other, it would be very convenient for you to seek advice from specialists in nutrition and sports, they are the best guarantee of doing things well.
  • The importance of channeling stress. Now, one of the most important health issues that you will have to face once and for all this year will be stress management, something you have been dealing with for an eternity. This state is nothing more than mental fatigue caused by the demand for a much higher performance than normal, and can lead to various physical and emotional disorders. To combat it, in addition to a balanced diet and exercise, it is essential to rest as necessary and change the way you approach reality. For this reason, it is very important that you regulate and order your hours of sleep, trying to sleep at the same hours and long enough. And that, in addition to stopping demanding so much of yourself and others, you try very effective techniques such as, for example, meditation.
  • Beware of joint injuries. On the other hand, you will have to be very careful with spring allergies and joint and muscle pain. Although it is true that physical exercise is very good to keep fit and relieve stress, if you do not do it correctly you can suffer injuries, one of the dangers you face this year. According to the stars, you could have a problem with your ankles, knees or back due to bad practice of sport or inappropriate postures.
  • The benefits of taking proper care of yourself. However, if you are constant and you are fulfilling all the purposes that you have set for yourself, you will have nothing to fear. Little by little, you will notice the great benefits of your changes in habits in the form of a greater sense of energy, much more calm and peace of mind, and even an improvement in physical appearance. And it is that you will feel much better inside and out, and that ends up noticing.

Check here the annual horoscope prediction 2019 for all signs.

Photo: Facing the sea, The interpreter, Black Swan.