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Witch hazel: what it is and what it can do for your skin

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Whenever we hear the name of a plant or fruit that can be beneficial for our skin, we run to our nearest store in search of cosmetics that contain it in the highest possible doses. How are we going to pass up the opportunity to have beautiful skin and experiment with a new cream? It's what it means to be a manual beauty addict … Well, we're going to introduce you to the one who is going to become your skin's best friend from now on: witch hazel.

Properties of witch hazel for the skin

Surely many of you are wondering what 'witch hazel' means. This rare word designates a plant from North America with the most beneficial properties for the skin . It is also called witch hazel, and more than a plant it is a shrub. Native Americans already used it for its medicinal properties. Its scientific name is Hamamelis virginiana, so you may also see it written this way.

The leaves of witch hazel, and sometimes also the bark of the tree, are the parts that are used in cosmetics. The leaves are collected and allowed to dry. They are attributed anti-inflammatory, healing, antioxidant and bactericidal properties due to their high tannin content. For this reason, it is usually applied to alleviate varicose veins or hemorrhoids (discover how to cure hemorrhoids quickly) and as it also improves blood circulation, to relieve cramps and tired legs.

Another of the most common uses is as an antidiarrheal for mild problems thanks to its astringent properties. It is also very common that it is recommended to blur skin marks such as scars or pimples and even sunburns and as an aftershave because it is very soothing, so it is usually indicated to relieve redness. The properties of witch hazel make insect bites another of the skin problems that it can alleviate as well as mild allergic reactions, conjunctivitis or bleeding gums and oral wounds in the form of mouthwash.

How is witch hazel used?

The easiest thing is to look for cosmetics that contain it, such as body or face moisturizers, you can find it as virginian witch hazel cream or ointment, lotion … Look at the percentage of concentration of the product (the higher in the list ingredients, the more it contains) to make sure that even if you put 'Witch Hazel' on the packaging, it is actually going to be effective. It can also be taken as an infusion, although in this case it is best to combine it with other herbs. In herbalists, you can also find it in the form of alcoholic tincture, liquid extract or powder. It is also common to find witch hazel in mouthwashes for oral problems or in the form of eye drops for cases of conjunctivitis.