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The best habits to prevent cancer

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Follow the Mediterranean diet

Follow the Mediterranean diet

The current coccidental diet is closely linked to overweight and obesity. And extra pounds increase your risk of cancer. In contrast, a diet such as the Mediterranean, which prioritizes fruit, vegetables, cereals and legumes and in which little red meat is consumed, can help protect us from cancer.

If you want to know more about nutrition that protects against cancer, don't miss this post.

Maximum, a drink a day (and better not even that)

Maximum, a drink a day (and better not even that)

The consumption of alcoholic beverages increases the risk of developing oral, pharyngeal, laryngeal, esophagus, liver, colorectal and breast cancers. The amount that a healthy adult can drink should not exceed 20 g of alcohol per day (two units of drink. One unit is equivalent to 1/2 glass of wine (100 ml), a glass of beer (200 ml) or 1 / 4 high-proof drink glass (25 ml) in the case of men; half in the case of women.

Be at the ideal weight

Be at the ideal weight

People with obesity may have a similar risk of certain types of cancer than people who maintain their ideal weight. According to a study carried out by Australian scientists, for example, for every 5 kilos of overweight the chances of colon cancer increase by 7%.

Stay active

Stay active

Four hours of exercise a week is protective, according to research published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention that maintains that walking for an hour a day lowers the risk of having a breast tumor by 14%. Practicing a more intense aerobic activity, such as running, can translate into up to 25% less chances.

Sleep your eight hours

Sleep your eight hours

In several studies it has been observed that there is an association between sleeping less than 6 hours a day and the development of cancer in the medium term. The explanation is that lack of sleep affects our defense mechanisms in some way.

Fight stress

Fight stress

Stress contributes to excess estrogen, which increases the risk of cancer. Yoga, meditation, having a hobby, playing sports, etc. they can help you find a way to release your nerves and take life easier.

Being a mother before 30

Being a mother before 30

If the first pregnancy occurs after the age of 35, the risk of developing breast cancer is 1.6 times greater than if it occurs between the ages of 26 or 27, according to the AECC. This lower risk of developing breast cancer in early pregnancies may be due to the fact that the cells of the mammary gland fully differentiate during gestation.

Continuous breastfeeding

Continuous breastfeeding

The longer you breastfeed, the lower your risk of developing breast cancer, according to the American Association of Gynecology and Obstetrics. A study by the University of Granada also states that breastfeeding during the first 6 months of the baby's life reduces the risk of breast cancer by 50%.

Ventilate the house every day

Ventilate the house every day

Open the windows to renew the air, in winter, at noon or, if you cannot, in the morning. In summer, early in the morning and late in the afternoon. A room that smells “musty” is likely to have accumulated radon gas - present in the floor and in various building materials - and can be harmful.

Sunbathing … with protection

Sunbathing … with protection

The sun is not bad if you take the necessary precautions, because when you expose yourself to its rays, the body generates vitamin D, which stimulates your defenses. However, do not use sunscreen when you are outside, be it winter or summer. Or putting on protection but spending too many hours in the sun, especially in the hours of maximum sunshine - from 12 to 4 in the afternoon - can increase your risk of cancer.

An annual visit with a gynecologist and urologist

An annual visit with a gynecologist and urologist

The annual visit to the gynecologist is unavoidable in the case of women. Breast cancer is the one that affects women the most, but 20% of them do not have mammograms regularly to discover it in time. And from the age of 50, both men and women, we should also go to the urologist, to detect possible colon cancer in time.

Do you live in a big city?

Do you live in a big city?

The WHO says that 7 million people die each year from air pollution. Living in big cities exposes us more to pollution. Even if a move is out of the question, take advantage of weekends or vacations to get closer to nature. And if you go out to practice sports outdoors, avoid doing it in areas where there are many cars and go to large parks, nearby hills or the promenade if your city has a sea.

No Smoking

No Smoking

Think that all cancers are caused by mutations in the DNA of cells. Every 15 cigarettes has been shown to produce a mutation that increases the risk of lung cancer. Even if you only smoke one a day, in two weeks you will have acquired a new mutation. Also, stay away from people who smoke because 2% of a smoker's smoke is inhaled by secondhand smoke.

Cancer cases in Spain have already exceeded the estimates that were made for 2020, according to the latest report from the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM). In 2015, there were 247,771 new cases of cancer, 1,000 more than expected.

The SEOM attributes this increase to the fact that we are more and more and we are living longer, to the fact that there is a better detection but, to a large extent also, because we have not corrected many habits that are potentially dangerous for our health. In our gallery we review the main habits that can help you prevent possible cancer.

Smoking and drinking are not the only thing

Smoking and drinking can cause cancer. We are very aware of this. And if we add tobacco to habitual consumption of alcoholic beverages, the risk of suffering from certain types of cancer (oral, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, liver, colorectal and breast, among others) multiplies between 10 and 100 times.

But perhaps we are not as aware of the dangers of a poor diet, which also influences, and a lot, the risk of developing a tumor. Or the risk of sleeping little. Or suffering from chronic stress.

And there are other factors just as important to which we do not pay due attention. Do you make an annual visit to your gynecologist or urologist? Well, not doing so increases your risk.

Not-so-innocent habits that put you in danger

We do not want to alarm you, only to warn you, because there are gestures that we repeat daily that seem innocent and to which we do not give importance, which would be potentially cancerous according to various studies. The difference may be between airing your home or not daily, putting on or not using sunscreen all year or going all day long …

If you want to know if your lifestyle protects you from cancer, don't miss this test that helps you assess your risk.