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Yoga for beginners: kundalini yoga to start and not to leave

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You will have heard millions of times about the benefits of yoga. “Stretch the muscles and improve posture. But, above all, it helps to escape the chaos that surrounds us to reduce anxiety and stress ”, explains the model and presenter Mireia Canalda. A bad personal moment a year ago led her to find out : “I lost my job and broke down. Thanks to my cousin, a kundalini yoga teacher, I discovered this practice. Since she had experience organizing events, I suggested organizing retreats. And I ended up training myself as a teacher ”.

Yoga as anti-stress therapy

Although in the West we see it as just another sport, the goal is the union between body and mind. “Normally we are a thousand things. The mind does not stop. In the office we go over the shopping list and over lunch we think about plans for the future. We neither make clear decisions nor enjoy the present. Yoga forces us to isolate ourselves. First, you have to manage your breathing yourself, decide how much air to take in and how deep each inspiration and expiration will be. Then comes the physical part: postures that require great concentration or balance. Said it is easy, but it is not. You have to concentrate all your forces to take control of your body. When you want to realize it, that burden at the beginning has disappeared ”.

Focusing on posture and breathing helps you relax.

Alone or in a class with a teacher?

In Mireia's opinion, “the ideal way to start is with a teacher. Better still if you participate in the energy of a class. But we are real women and we don't always have time to go to class at a specific time. If you want to discover yoga, even if you only have a few minutes each day, look for a video tutorial and try practicing it ”. Don't be overwhelmed if you don't understand the Sanskrit names for asanas. After a couple of sessions you will remember them without problems. In fact, if you are thinking of starting yoga or you already have a base, the same. You will see how much fun it is to do yoga at home with her.

Original text

How to focus on your breath

To breathe well, for example, you should sit with your legs bent, align your back, separating the vertebrae, and close your eyes. There are many times of breathing, "the best known is like Darth Vader's: inhale slowly through the nose and release the air through the mouth in a kind of long sigh ". On the other hand, in kundalini yoga the breath of fire is used : "You breathe in gently through your nose and exhale as if you wanted to blow out 90 candles with your nose."

Frog exercise

To begin with, Mireia invites us to practice this asana.

  1. Crouch down exhaling, knees apart and heels together until glutes touch heels. Try to stay on your toes, with your arms stretched out until you touch the ground with the tips of your fingers.
  2. As you inhale, raise your glute and keep your hands on the floor and your heels elevated. Fully stretch your legs and seek to bring your head closer to your knees.
  3. Exhale and return to the original position, repeat 10 times. On the last one, stay down and take 3 deep breaths.

Boosts blood circulation in the legs. You will see improvements in varicose veins, stretch marks or cellulite.
Helps give hip flexibility.

Flexibility comes little by little

“There are people more flexible due to genetics. But we all lose elasticity with age. Yoga allows us to recover it. While that comes, focus on doing each pose according to your degree of flexibility . " With practice, you will get to stretch like rubber. Help yourself with a block of foam or cork or a strap if you have a hard time positioning.

The challenge of balance

Some asanas are performed on one leg. In order not to fall, the yogis have a trick: look for a point in front of you and focus on it. Mireia has another trick: "Meditating for 11 minutes a day increases your ability to concentrate."

Top idea

when you are stressed or angry:

Take a moment and inhale gently, puffing out your belly, then your diaphragm, and finally your collarbone to rise. Hold the air for a few seconds and gradually take it out.

Choose your yoga style

To begin I suggest the kundalini. There are no complicated postures, it goes more to emotions. The hatha, ashtanga or, above all, vinyasa are more dynamic. Iyengar focuses a lot on posture and improves muscle strength. " Others are more particular, such as acroyoga (acrobatic postures), aeroyoga (suspended with fabrics) or bikram (in a room at 38 oC). How many hours a week to practice? "I do 2 hours in class and another 2 at home."

Yoga secrets

Mireia reveals physical and spiritual benefits that are good for everyone:

  1. DEFLATS: It does not lose weight nor is it a fat burner, “but certain postures stimulate the organs of digestion, also related to fear. And reducing stress also improves digestion. " Thanks to this, you go to the bathroom more and deflate.
  2. BACK PAIN: To alleviate it with yoga, “work the navel point by stretching the spine and tucking the stomach into the lumbar region. And open your shoulders. Memorize this posture to walk upright. Sometimes back pain comes from a spiritual pain that makes us stoop ”.
  3. CONCENTRATION: To achieve this, “some prefer to listen only to their breathing. Others play soft music. I put mantras or pull from a Spotify playlist of mine. Never at an excessive volume ”.

Listen here to the mantra RA MA DA SA and here the GURU RAM DAS on Spotify. And do not miss the videos with these two heavenly communications, you will love them!

Clothes and accessories to get started in yoga

And if you wanted to start practicing this discipline, get some clothes and accessories now, and get down to work! Discover EVERYTHING you need to practice yoga.