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12 surprising symptoms of stress

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Cervical pain

Cervical pain

It is one of the most common symptoms of stress. The tension that results from stress seizes the cervical area in any situation that is a bit negative: discussions, work meetings, long waits …

Your gut hurts

Your gut hurts

Our stomach is very sensitive to any emotional disorder, since many nerves pass through the area. In addition, the natural movement of the intestines is modified when we are under tension, which can cause digestive disorders: diarrhea, heartburn, constipation, food intolerance, gas …

Does your hair fall

Does your hair fall

It can be due to multiple causes, from genetic to lack of minerals, etc. If in your case there is no clear reason, look for it in stress, which can cause alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder in which white blood cells attack the hair follicles. A very stressful event (such as the death of a family member or childbirth) can cause a lot of hair loss at once.

Sick more

Sick more

The immune system is one of the main affected if stress is chronic. That is why it is easier for you to catch a cold, for example.



Stress keeps us in tension, in a constant state of alert. So it is very difficult to relax, and therefore to fall asleep. In addition, the quality of sleep is not the same because the nerves prevent the completion of the REM phase (which is the one that provides restorative hours of sleep).

Your gums bleed

Your gums bleed

When stress becomes chronic, the body secretes high levels of cortisol throughout the day and that, in the long run, damages the immune system. Bacteria take advantage of the lowered defenses to proliferate in the mouth, causing irritation and inflammation of the gums.

You have worse skin

You have worse skin

The extra histamine release that stress generates can lead to hives or eczema. Also, if you are prone to acne, the adrenaline of stress will accentuate it: more skin oil is secreted and the pores are more likely to clog. More wrinkles and dryness also appear, as it reduces the production of collagen and elastin, necessary for elasticity.

Low libido

Low libido

Stress hormones directly interfere with sex hormones. In addition, when we are in tension and we cannot find a way to relax, it is difficult for passion to awaken.

Weekend migraine

Weekend migraine

Headaches are closely related to chronic stress. The strange thing is that we suffer them more when we are resting, on the weekend or when starting vacations. Neurologists point to three reasons: the sudden change from frenzied activity to rest; breaking the usual sleep rhythm, because we sleep more hours; and the reduction of coffee.

Painful rules

Painful rules

Our stomach is very sensitive to any emotional disorder, since many nerves pass through the area. In addition, the natural movement of the intestines is modified when we are under tension, which can cause digestive disorders: diarrhea, heartburn, constipation, food intolerance, gas …

Your memory fails you

Your memory fails you

Not knowing where you put things or not remembering details, etc., can be one of the symptoms of stress. It is because it is affecting your hippocampus, the area of ​​the brain that controls short-term memory and that is impaired by excessive levels of cortisol (stress hormone).

Your jaw hurts

Your jaw hurts

A clear symptom of chronic tension is clenching your jaw muscles or grinding your teeth when you are asleep. Set limits. Protect your teeth with a discharge splint.

Are you stressed? Well … we probably all are, right? Perhaps you think that stress is a problem that stays in the mind, but the truth is that its symptoms can manifest in many ways and almost all of them are physical.

Cortisol, the stress hormone, is originally designed to increase our energy level and alertness to avoid dangers. The problem is that it also interferes with many other bodily processes such as the proper functioning of the immune system, short-term memory or sex hormones. In the gallery above you will find 12 surprising symptoms of how stress can affect your health.

Some symptoms of stress, is it happening to you?

You do not rest. Insomnia and stress form a vicious cycle. The tension experienced during the day prevents you from falling asleep and, as you do not sleep, you still stress more.

You get fat. You snack, eat fast, and lose yourself to sweets because prolonged craving causes your serotonin levels to drop, and that leads you to compensate with foods rich in sugars.

Does your hair fall. Stress is one of the main causes of hair loss, because the root is weakened by impairing circulation and absorption of nutrients.

You are contracted or your head hurts. Both are a consequence of the adrenaline bombardment that your body suffers due to sustained stress, which generates muscle tension in different areas (cervical, jaw …).

You get colds often. The immune system is weakened due to nervousness and it is easier to chain colds.