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Strawberry gazpacho with parmesan

Table of contents:


1 kg of strawberries
2 ripe tomatoes
1 spring onion
1 strip of red pepper
½ clove of garlic
Olive oil and wine vinegar
Salt and pepper
50 g of parmesan cheese flakes
6 fresh basil leaves

The arrival of the heat makes us want dishes as light and fresh as this strawberry gazpacho, a vegetarian recipe and very easy to make. Psst, psst, here are more delicious recipes with strawberries from Delicious Martha.

To give it a more sophisticated touch, we have added some parmesan flakes and a basil oil, which, as you will see in the step by step, has no mystery. And also, except for these two 'additives', it has very few calories thanks to the fact that strawberries, its main ingredient, are one of the foods that less fatten. This fruit only provides 27 kcal per 100 g.

How to make strawberry gazpacho step by step

  • Wash and cut the strawberries. Wash them very carefully, drain them and cut off the entire part of the peduncle. Cut them in half and arrange them in a large bowl.
  • Prepare the rest of the vegetables. Peel the tomatoes, cut them into quarters and remove the seeds. Peel the chives and garlic and wash them together with the pepper. Chop them finely and add them to the bowl where you have put the strawberries, along with 100 ml of olive oil, and a pinch of salt and pepper, according to the desired taste.
  • Make the gazpacho. With the help of a mixer, blend all the ingredients until you get a fine cream. And once you have it, add a splash of wine vinegar to taste, mix, and reserve in the fridge until serving time.
  • Bind the basil oil. Beat with a mixer 100 ml of oil together with the basil leaves until you get a consistent mixture.
  • Plate and serve. Grab some glasses, bowls or glasses and spread the very cold gazpacho with a drizzle of basil oil and some Parmesan cheese flakes on top, and decorate with some basil leaves.

Clara trick

vegan version

If you want to turn this recipe into a vegan dish, you just have to substitute the Parmesan cheese for a food that is not of animal origin: sprouts, nuts, seeds …