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100% Guilt-free: light apple flan

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4 apples
150 ml of skimmed milk
3 eggs
150g sugar
1 lemon
1 cinnamon stick

(Traditional version: 340 kcal - Light version: 165 kcal)

If you are in love with flan, but you had given up on it because it is very caloric, you have to try this light apple flan. It is a dessert with half the calories of the traditional one and, therefore, a 100% guilt-free recipe.

Its secret is as simple as it is effective: use apple and skim milk, which reduces the amount of sugar and eggs, as well as dispensing with whole milk, which reduces up to 175 calories.

How to make apple flan light step by step

  1. Make the caramel. Cook 75 g of sugar with half a glass of water and a few drops of lemon juice. And then, distribute it into six individual flan dishes.
  2. Prepare the applesauce. First, peel the lemon, reserve a piece of the skin, and squeeze it. Next, peel the apples, core them, chop them and drizzle them with the juice. And finally, cook them with 4 tablespoons of water, for about 15 minutes, stirring until they fall apart.
  3. Boil the milk. Boil the skim milk with the cinnamon and the lemon peel. Cover, wait for it to cool, filter and mix with the apple puree, the remaining sugar and the beaten eggs.
  4. Cook the puddings. Distribute the resulting mixture on the flan that you had spread with caramel, and cook them in a water bath in the oven preheated to 180 or for about 45 minutes. Let cool, unmold and serve with raw or browned apple slices in a non-stick frying pan with a pinch of butter.

Clara trick

If you want to flavor it more

When you go to boil the milk, add a sprig of vanilla along with the cinnamon and lemon peel. It will give it an irresistible aromatic touch.

Discover more light, no-regrets desserts.