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The best foods to take care of your bones

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Seafood is a great source of zinc, an essential mineral for maintaining proper bone density. Oysters top the list of foods with zinc, although you will also find it in prawns, for example.

Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables

Foods such as broccoli, chard or spinach provide us with vitamin K, essential for the production of osteocalcin, the second most abundant protein in bone.



Chickpeas, white beans, and soybeans are good sources of calcium. In addition, legumes are rich in protein, minerals and vitamins and also provide energy and fiber. Incorporate them into your diet to get an extra supply of this mineral.

See recipes with legumes.

Dairy products

Dairy products

Milk and its derivatives, such as cheese, yogurt or curd, contain a lot of calcium. That is why it is good to include them in the usual diet, as long as there is no lactose intolerance.

Fruits with vitamin C

Fruits with vitamin C

Fruits such as kiwi, papaya, black currant or guava are an excellent source of vitamin C - there is life beyond the orange. This is essential for the formation of collagen.



Cereals may already be part of your daily diet, but don't forget that this group also includes oats, rice or poppy seeds. And whenever you can, opt for the whole versions, your health will win.



Fish, especially blue fish (salmon, sardines, tuna), is a great ally of our bones, since in addition to calcium, it also provides omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin D, which help us absorb this mineral. Take it at least twice a week. And don't forget that canned fish also count, in fact canned sardines are an excellent source of calcium, especially if you eat them whole.

See fish recipes.



Although they are high in calories, a handful of raw nuts (without roasting or salting) will provide you with calcium and other important minerals for bones, such as magnesium. So don't hesitate to make them your new favorite snack.

Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds

If you want to give your bones extra strength, add sesame seeds to your salads, oils or on sauces and vegetable patés. They are very nutritious, remineralizing and also have a lot of calcium. To get the most out of their benefits, grind them just before taking them.



Eggs are an important source of manganese, the mineral responsible for the synthesis of collagen. Collagen helps the proper function of bones, joints, muscles and tendons. The egg yolk contains a lot of vitamin D, which is responsible for promoting calcium absorption. If you do not have high cholesterol, you can have an egg a day without problems.

See recipes with egg.

What foods should you include in your diet to keep your bones strong? We know that milk is a source of calcium and that it helps to have healthy bones but … what other foods have the same benefits? So that you do not get confused, we have compiled a series of foods that you can add to your daily diet and that will help maintain the health of your bones from within. Do not miss the gallery! And if you need more ideas to take more calcium, don't miss this post.

Discover how to use these foods in your diet with our easy, light and delicious recipes.