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These positive thoughts will change your day to day

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Think, how long does it take you to choose a look to go to work? How much time do you spend choosing your clothes for a wedding or a special occasion? Now reflect, are you aware of the time you spend choosing your thoughts? The answer is likely to be no. Today we tell you why positive thoughts are so important and how to choose to choose them every morning.

Positive thoughts

Positive thoughts

What happens around us has a more temporary influence than you think. What really defines your state of mind are the thoughts. It is in your hands to choose what you think to transform your reality. If you choose to occupy your mind with positive thoughts, you will be able to paint life in the color you like the most, while negative thoughts change your mood in the opposite direction.



A positive attitude, says the psychiatrist Luis Rojas Marcos in Overcoming adversity, is the most effective strategy to overcome difficult situations and evolve in our lives.

Live in harmony

Live in harmony

As difficult as things may be, when we trust we attract more peace and harmony, says Matthieu Ricard, a Buddhist monk, doctor of molecular genetics and author of the book In Defense of Happiness.



Don't give up before your time and trust the process. If you combine positive thinking with work and dedication you can make (almost) anything a reality.



Dreams begin to come true when we dare to imagine them. Project your wishes and you will help them to materialize.



Many negative thoughts assail us without being able to avoid them. When that happens, do the mental exercise of replacing them with the opposite speech.



Feed your positive thinking by doing activities that fill you up. Helping others strengthens us and contributes to giving our lives meaning.

Take action

Take action

If you want to be a more positive and happy person, take action! Your dreams are beyond your fears.

Become what you want

Become what you want

Did you know that being positive makes you lose weight? The culprit is serotonin, a hormone that, in addition to putting us in a good mood, takes away our desire to eat, promoting weight loss.

Create a positive environment

Create a positive environment

Start by improving your attitude and continue to surround yourself with positive people and a more pleasant environment. Follow our 28 ideas for a more welcoming and happy home.

Question of attitude

Question of attitude

Cultivating positive thoughts is not impossible. Start by practicing these 12 easy habits to be happier.

Try again

Try again

We all make mistakes, our great teachers. When you program yourself to have positive thoughts, you learn that there is no problem in starting over.

Cultivate positive thoughts

Cultivate positive thoughts

By thinking, feeling and acting positively, your mind will be programmed so that you are able to get ahead of any setback and overcome it by far. Do not give up!

Get more positive

Get more positive

Seeing the glass as half full instead of half empty is up to you. Positive thoughts will help you be happier and even live longer and in better health. We tell you how!

Until not long ago, our ability to think positive was considered to be determined solely by genetics.

This belief has currently been rejected by the scientific community that, although it recognizes that there is a genetic predisposition, this is not in any way determining. On the contrary, it seems, being positive responds more to training than to a natural gift.

The power of positive thoughts

The things that happen to us have a more temporary influence than we think. The true shapers of our well-being are thoughts. A simple exercise is enough to prove it. Rescue from your memory an episode that has angered you and recreate yourself in the details. You will see how after a while you feel bad. Do the opposite and think of a situation that made you happy. The results are totally opposite. Every time you choose to occupy your mind with something negative you are transforming your reality. In your hand is to paint life in the color that you like the most.

Optimism is a contagious force.
The more positive you are, the more you attract positive people
and the easier it will be to maintain your attitude.

a lot of good things are happening to you

Right now you have many reasons to be happy, another thing is that you know how to see them. Custom makes even the greatest treasures invisible. You sure miss something you had and lost. Did you value it when you had it? That is a lesson that we should all learn.

  • Exercise positive thinking. One way to recognize these daily benefits that go unnoticed is to do an exercise at the end of the day that consists of recognizing three good things that have happened to you. You can write them down daily in a journal.

LAW OF ATTRACTION, you create your luck

According to the Law of Attraction, a theory already referenced in the Jewish Kabbalah, we function as an energy emitter. If the vibrations we emit are negative we attract more negativity, but if they are positive the universe returns them to us increased. Some call it luck.


Original text

When we mourn, we emit on a negative frequency, it is as if we were saying to the universe "I'm wrong and I want to continue being so." To attract what we want we must change sign. Some keys that will help you are the following:

  • Be grateful for what you have. Gratitude is an emotion that intensifies positive vibes. When we do not appreciate what we have, it is as if we despise it, distancing it from ourselves.
  • Surround yourself with positive people. Surely you have ever felt that you lost courage after being with a negative person. This happens because the energies tend to equalize.

life is not a tunnel, it is a window

A study conducted by the University of Toronto (Canada) showed that negative thoughts shortened visual acuity. The positives, on the other hand, expand it. It is as if pessimists see life through a tunnel and optimists through a window. The more you persist in each attitude the tunnel becomes longer and the window wider.

You can re-educate your brain.

It is a tool in continuous transformation,

programmed to learn

a change inside and out

  1. Take care of your body. It is a way of showing you respect. Also, try to eat a balanced diet and do regular exercise, which will give you energy.
  2. Stomp. Walking safely or sitting with your back upright are gestures that convey self-confidence and security.
  3. Take care of your environment. Make your home a harmonious and orderly place, with pleasant textures, soft colors and fill it with memories that comfort you.

Tricks that work

  • Set a purpose for yourself. Directing thoughts towards a goal prevents our brain from scattering. Commit to a goal and focus your efforts on it.
  • Get over the pain. Being positive does not mean ignoring suffering. Another thing is to get hooked on it. Adopt a resilient attitude. Live the experience trying to get a lesson out of it. Once this vital lesson has been learned, why continue living with pain? Look forward.
  • Be patient. Changing your way of thinking is not achieved overnight, the important thing is to be constant. Set a goal for each day.