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The most complete guide to getting a body of scandal

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Have you been clueless and not ready to teach meat?

Have you been clueless and not ready to teach meat?

Don't worry because it has happened to all of us. Summer is (almost) here and we don't quite see ourselves well. If you want to discover the latest news and products that can help you reshape your body to feel like a fish in water (pun intended) when you put on that beautiful swimsuit you've seen, keep reading …

Anti-grease effect

Anti-grease effect

Identifies and acts as a cell accelerator on the three types of adipocytes that are the origin of cellulite, providing a reinforced slimming action.

Clarins Body Fit Gel-Cream, € 34.20

Stop swollen legs

Stop swollen legs

Swollen legs are a nuisance and a cosmetic problem. An anti-cellulite and draining gel that promotes circulation and fluid accumulation will be a great ally.

Skeyndor Draining Anti-Cellulite Gel, € 44.50

Sculptor gel

Sculptor gel

Aerobic sports and a liposculpture gel are good preventives.

E'lifexir Dermo Fitness by Phergal, € 12.99

Flat stomach

Flat stomach

Reduces the belly by mobilizing localized fats.

Elancyl Slim Design Flat Belly, € 33.35

Shape your body while you train

Shape your body while you train

Formulated with very powerful active ingredients that accelerate cellular processes to increase their effectiveness. Apply it before doing sports and later after showering.

Yacel Liposculpture Accelerating Gel, € 13.25

Neckline 10

Neckline 10

Its silky texture is quickly absorbed helping to keep your breast firm. In summer keep in mind that the sun favors aging and therefore you should always use a high sun protection factor specific to this area.

Bust Lift, by Yves Rocher, € 13.75

Don't get hung up

Don't get hung up

This melting balm treats globally the signs of aging on the neck, décolleté and arms.

Contouring Arm & Décolleté Balm Arûde de Montibello, € 52.76

The worst enemy of cellulite

The worst enemy of cellulite

It acts from the origin of cellulite formation, preventing adipogenesis and promoting the drainage of fluids, toxins and fats.

Perfect Svelt Anti-Cellulite by Singuladerm, € 27.04

Lose weight while you sleep

Lose weight while you sleep

We love products that act while we sleep so this heat effect night reducer deserves a spot in our gallery. Contains ivy (activates microcirculation), seaweed (rich in iodine, accelerates metabolism fighting cellulite), methyl nicitinate (dissolves fat causing a slight redness on the skin) and caffeine (accelerates the burning of fat).

Redumodel Fat Burning Night, € 12.95

Localized fat

Localized fat

With pink and red pepper extract and 12 essential oils (among them, lemon, ginger, grape and orange) that help to tone and eliminate localized fat by activating microcirculation. Ideal to enhance the benefits of your reducing treatment.

Apivita Rose Pepper Reshaping Massage Oil, € 29

Massage nonstop

Massage nonstop

Treat your skin through a gentle massage with this birch oil. As important or more than creams or oils is knowing how to apply them. Make circular movements with both hands from bottom to top, pressing especially on the raises. You can use the Celulicup cup to suction the areas to be treated, activate microcirculation and reduce embedded cellulite.

Weleda Birch Anti-Cellulite Oil, € 22.90

Reducing patches

Reducing patches

If you are lazy or do not like the feeling that some creams leave, patches are the ideal solution for you. Thanks to their transdermal technology, they help reduce the areas with the greatest tendency to accumulate fat: buttocks, abdomen, legs, hips and waist. Look closely because you should apply them to dry skin at the same time and in different areas.

Comodynes Body Reducer Patches, € 36.50

Hydrated and firm skin

Hydrated and firm skin

Its moisturizing formula contains seaweed extract, which stimulates collagen synthesis to strengthen the skin's structure, and Phyto-caffeine, known for its reducing properties.

Garnier Body Tonic Firming Moisturizing Milk, € 6.05

Firming for dry skin

Firming for dry skin

Having a body 10 does not mean not having to take care of it. A hydrating firming effect is always a good ally.

Nivea Q10 Plus Firming Body Milk, € 6.95

For caffeine and carnitine intolerant

For caffeine and carnitine intolerant

Suitable for all skin types, including the most sensitive. Reducing, anti-cellulite and moisturizing. Apply it 2 times a day and you will start to notice results in just 8 weeks.

Silhouette Xpert Anti-Cellulite and Reducing Cream from Sensilis, € 5.90

In addition to all this, do not forget to exercise

In addition to all this, do not forget to exercise

If you go to the gym, ask your monitor for specific exercises for the area you want to strengthen or firm. Look at this image of Cristina Pedroche, a great lover of sports, and she wears a sports bra at all times.

Photo: Puma

Eat healthy

Eat healthy

Say "yes" to fruits (especially pineapple, melon, kiwi and red fruits) and green leafy vegetables, fish and meat? Better grilled. Fats and foods rich in sugar (including bread and pasta) make you bloat and fat.

And make friends with the water

And make friends with the water

Surely it costs you to drink water more than you would like to admit and is that sometimes we wait until we are thirsty to get a glass of water … mistake! Staying hydrated is essential because water helps prevent fluid retention, promotes the elimination of toxins, prevents constipation and takes care of our skin. If you don't even feel like drinking water for those, how about an infusion? Keep reading.

Diuretic infusion

Diuretic infusion

This infusion contains nettle, orange peel and licorice. Three ideal ingredients to eliminate toxins.

Depura Infusion with Madness of Orballo, 3 €

Express plan

Express plan

You can also fight cellulite from within with these drinkable sticks ready to dissolve in water, with a pineapple flavor. Composed of 7 natural ingredients, among which the artichoke stands out, your best ally to eliminate toxins from the body. It also contains extracts of boldo, which helps digestive comfort; of horsetail that favors the elimination of liquids and green tea, which contributes to a fat burning effect.

Aquilea Detox + Fat Burner, € 14.34

Showing off a pretty figure is easy if you know how to do it. We update you on all the tips, routines and cosmetics to achieve it successfully. Get to work and direct all your efforts to reduce volume and gain firmness. There are no miracles, but it will seem. Follow each point to the letter and with determination in a few weeks you will be more stupendous if possible.

Low volume

Do you want to get rid of the uncomfortable feeling of feeling bloated?

  • Drink a lot of water. You swell because you retain fluids (and fat), but paradoxically, drinking water (1.5 to 2 liters / day) will deflate you because, among many other benefits, it eliminates toxins. If you like infusions, opt for diuretic ingredients such as nettle or licorice.
  • Eat well. Reduce salt, fat and sugar. The most diuretic foods? Pineapple, asparagus, pear and artichoke. The ones you have to eliminate? Those with a high glycemic index such as pastries, white plan and cereals; Exchange them for whole grain products. Eliminates tobacco and alcohol, they are vasoconstrictors and retain fluids.
  • Allied cosmetics. Products that contain active ingredients that increase body temperature such as caffeine will help you a lot; draining like ginger or grapefruit; cleansers such as gotu kola and lipolytics such as L-Carnitine.

The most dangerous areas

Buttocks, abdomen, thighs and hips are areas prone to retaining fluids and accumulating cellulite. Focus on these areas. This will help you:

  • Eat five meals a day. Space them for at least 3 hours. Binge eating is fatal because it dilates the stomach. And it is also very important that you chew slowly (chewing quickly causes swelling).
  • Gum and candy outside. Whether with or without sugar because they swell due to the entry of air.
  • Bebe . Water, infusions and natural juices of diuretic fruits such as lemon (lower it with water). Avoid carbonated drinks even if they are light .
  • Do sports. Pilates sculpting and cardiovascular exercises will help you burn fat.

Show off your cleavage

Weight changes, pregnancy and age weaken the chest. Help him to stay firm longer by taking care of him daily with cosmetics and specific exercises (the exercise of putting the arms at chest level and pressing the palms together is very effective).