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This is the mask that gives less heat and a feeling of suffocation

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Masks are here to stay … They will be with us for a long time! The obligation to wear them indoors and outdoors, when we cannot respect the two-meter safety distance set by the health authorities, makes us live with it more than we would like. Some have taken advantage of the situation to create a trend by wearing original design masks, but the vast majority of us live the “mask moment” with some anguish.And with the arrival of the heat it is even worse … The feeling of suffocation is quite frequent, despite the fact that experts point out that it is usually a psychological effect. Does it happen to you too? Doctor Joaquín Lamela López, a specialist in Pediatric Pulmonology and Pulmonology in Ourense and a member of Top Doctors, helps us choose a mask that protects us, producing the least possible discomfort.

Masks, in order of protection

According to the expert, this is the classification of masks according to the degree of protection they offer.

  1. The N95 or FFP2. It is the most recognizable and effective mask. Its name means that it can block at least 95 percent of the most difficult-to-capture tiny particles - 0.3 microns. To get used to the idea, the average human hair is between 70 and 100 microns wide. The FFP3 would block 98%, which are those used by health personnel to care for patients with suspected COVID-19 ".
  2. Hygienic masks. These can be unusable (protection equal to or greater than 95%) or reusable ( protection equal to or greater than 90% ). In the reusable the manufacturer will indicate the maximum number of washes. From there, the effectiveness of the mask is not guaranteed.
  3. Surgical masks. They have several presentations and are less effective than the N95: some filter between 60 and 80% of small particles under the conditions present in a laboratory. When used properly, they can help prevent the spread of the coronavirus by trapping droplets that are expelled by coughing or sneezing.
  4. Cloth masks. Due to the scarcity of surgical masks, many people have turned to making their own or cloth ones. Depending on the fabric and the manufacturing process, a homemade mask can sometimes protect the same as a surgical version. And any type of coverage on the face is better than nothing .

What masks are less overwhelming?

Many people say they are short of breath when they cover their face with the mask. This feeling of suffocation tends to intensify with high temperatures. This barrier garment is very hot and tends to increase sweating, which is very annoying and could deteriorate it. “ Surgical and cloth masks are the most comfortable and the least burdensome. The hygienic ones and the N95s tend to be more uncomfortable ”–states the doctor-“ I am not aware of any study on whether sweat removes the protection of the mask and to what degree it could deteriorate it. In any case, if the sweating is excessive, it will be necessary to move away to a place where there is no risk of contagion, remove it to ventilate it and dry the sweat before putting it back on. And, if it has deteriorated excessively, replace it with another even if the established time of use has not passed ".

Mask: How to Reduce Distress and Heat

We have no choice but to get used to this new complement if we want to remain safe from the coronavirus and the sanctions that we may encounter for not wearing them in the established situations. Besides avoiding leaving the house in the hottest hours, according to the expert, the only way to alleviate the anguish is to put ourselves in a safe place and remove it from the face for a reasonable time : “The mask can bother us. It is normal that we prefer to breathe without having anything to cover our nose and mouth. The feeling of suffocation is subjective in a healthy person. If you maintain the prescribed distance of two meters with other people, you can remove it, always removing the bands or loops from the ears without touching the mask ”, warns Dr. Lamela López.

Homemade masks, do they work or not?

There are many tutorials that explain how to make a mask step by step. The question is: do they really protect? “Various designs and patterns for making cotton masks are circulating on the internet. Better that it has at least two layers of material, covers the top of the nose and the bottom of the chin, and has adjustment straps. Materials such as a T-shirt made from high cotton content, flannel, or a tightly woven dish towel can be used. The material with the most thread count - which allows very little light to filter through - will likely offer the best protection. They can protect like a surgical one. The manufacturer must indicate how to wash them and how often. And it is important that people know that,If they have not passed sanitary controls, their effectiveness cannot be guaranteed ”, concludes the expert.