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Perfumes can cause blemishes on the skin

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Perfumes can cause blemishes on the skin

Perfumes can cause blemishes on the skin

Sit back because we need to talk about how (and when) you apply your fragrance. Yes, my friend, it turns out that bad perfume can cause hyperpigmentation and spots on the skin, especially on the neck and décolleté. In this article we tell you what you can do to avoid the risks that perfumes can pose to your skin. Ready?

What is hyperpigmentation?

What is hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation is simply the darkening of an area of ​​the skin due to excess melanin production. It produces flat, light brown to black skin patches that vary in size and shape. It can be caused by sun damage, age, inflammation, or other skin lesions.

How do perfumes harm your skin?

How do perfumes harm your skin?

Fragrances can cause photoxicity (a skin irritation that occurs in living cells) in contact with UV rays, and then a reaction similar to that of a sunburn can even occur . If the reaction is mild, the consequences will not go beyond the typical spots on the skin. It is something very common in the summer, since, for it to occur, only a photoactive substance is necessary, such as perfume, and ultraviolet light.

Why do stains occur?

Why do stains occur?

Stains are a defense mechanism to prevent ultraviolet light from damaging the nuclei of cells. If they are produced by the improper use of perfumes, there is an excess of melanin and pigmentation caused by the direct application of the perfumes on the skin.

Beware of these ingredients

Beware of these ingredients

Perfumes that, in addition to alcohol, contain musk often cause photoxicity in contact with UV rays. It is an ingredient that is used as a fixative in perfumes. It is able to reduce the evaporation of other more volatile components and allows the original composition of the perfume to last longer. Also avoid bergamot oil, which comes from a citrus fruit similar to orange (it is a component of half of perfumes for women), and allows other essences to be combined with each other in the same perfume. Yes, they are essential ingredients so that the smell lasts long, but try to avoid them during the summer (or if you are going to sunbathe).

Why do spots usually appear on the neck and décolleté?

Why do spots usually appear on the neck and décolleté?

Unfortunately, the angle of the neckline is perfectly placed to receive the attack of UV rays. In addition, the skin on the neck is very thin (and this is where we apply perfumes!), Which means that the rays can penetrate the skin quickly and, as a result, the damage is greater. Therefore, the spots usually appear on the neck and décolleté.

What are the symptoms?

What are the symptoms?

As a first symptom, itching and peeling of the skin may occur. Sometimes it is so mild that it does not even occur to us that it is something related to perfume. If you manage to treat the problem in time (avoiding sun exposure and applying anti-inflammatory products), the stain can disappear without leaving sequelae.

Photo: Sarah Comeau via Unsplash

What can you do for your skin?

What can you do for your skin?

Remember that sunscreen is the best anti-aging out there (and it's not just for summer!). You should never skip it in your beauty routine, not even in winter or on cloudy days. That is why we have searched for the best creams with SPF to make things easier for you.

Beware of the sun!

Beware of the sun!

If your skin is also sensitive, take extra care and bet on fresh fragrances that do not react badly under the effects of heat. And under the sun, no perfumes! Use very high protection products, free of alcohol, without chemical filters and parabens.

And where should we apply the perfume then?

And where should we apply the perfume then?

On the inside of the wrists! In general, people tend to interact a lot with their hands, so if you apply the perfume to your wrists, your scent will not be forgotten. Also, apply a few drops on clothing (don't overdo it, as the fragrance can cause stains on your clothes) and behind the ears.

Don't forget about the remains

Don't forget about the remains

During the summer, extreme caution is necessary. If you are going to the beach, remove the traces of perfume that are still present on the skin. Take a shower or, if you don't have time, moisten a towel with water and refresh the areas where you have applied the perfume. Apply your favorite sun cream and go.

Photo: Anthony Tran via Unsplash

What if you already have spots?

What if you already have spots?

If the hyperpigmentation has been caused by poor exposure to the sun, you can treat the spots with lasers, depigmenting creams and glycolic acid peels. Discover here the best technique to eliminate them.

Summer is coming and we couldn't be happier. If you are already thinking about vacations and all you want is to lie on the beach and sunbathe, be careful! In case you didn't know, perfumes can cause hyperpigmentation and spots on the skin, especially on the neck and décolleté. That is why you have to know what to do to avoid the risks that fragrances can pose to your skin.

Perfumes can cause blemishes on the skin

Perfumes can cause photoxicity in contact with UV rays. If the reaction is mild, the consequences will not go beyond the typical spots on the skin, but if it is more serious, a reaction similar to that of a sunburn may even occur. The most "dangerous" ingredients are musk, an ingredient that is used as a fixative in perfumes, and bergamot oil, which comes from a citrus fruit similar to orange and allows other essences to be combined together in the same perfume.

If a reaction occurs, your skin will feel itchy and peeling as the first symptom. If you treat the problem in time (avoiding sun exposure and applying anti-inflammatory products), the stain can disappear without leaving sequelae.

If you are going to sunbathe, bet on sunscreen, it is the best anti-aging there is! Here we tell you how to choose the best product for your skin type. And under the sun, no perfumes! Be careful with the remains. To remove them, take a shower or moisten a towel with water and refresh the areas where you have applied the fragrance.

And if you can't live without your favorite perfume, apply it to the inside of your wrists and on your clothes. This will prevent spots from appearing on the skin.