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First gray hairs: when pulling out a gray hair, do more come out?

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If you are to pull gray hair out of the roots because you do not want to dye it, but you have doubts and have been told more than once that if you take off one you are going to get seven, in this article you will discover that neither seven nor seventy. But … it is not true that if you get gray hair, you are not going to go bald (or bald). One of lime and another of sand.

Why do gray hairs come out (if not by pulling them off)?

The main cause that causes its appearance is genetic inheritance, as has been shown in a study published by the journal Nature . Researchers have identified the gene that causes gray hair regardless of age. It's called IRF4 and it has to do with the production and storage of melanin, a pigment found in our hair, on the skin, or in the iris of the eyes.

And why do they seem to me to multiply?

The explanation is that each new hair takes about 6 months to become visible. Enough time so that, even if you have pulled one out, other hairs show a lack of melanin in the same area where you have removed it and others appear.

Do not tear them off … you can go bald

But not because gray hair prevents hair from falling out, but because pulling the hair can damage the root and prevent it from growing back. In fact, baldness is explained by the normal aging process, by our genes and hormonal problems, and not by pulling a gray hair or not.

At what age does gray hair appear?

Sometimes they appear after 20 and, as we saw, it has to do with genetics. If they appeared to your father or mother at an early age, it is logical that you too.

In general, they begin to be visible from the age of 30. And it will be of little or no use to pluck the gray hair you see, because even if it hurts to tell you this: they will come out again!

But … gray is a trend

Oh yeah! Gray is in fashion, ash gray, bluish gray, dark gray, silver gray, natural gray. It is the perfect solution to prevent you from pulling gray hair or to go to the dye. Choose the gray that you like the most and give your gray hair an edge.