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Chickpea salad with vegetables and fresh cheese

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4 pita breads
400 g of cooked chickpeas
150 g of Burgos cheese low in salt
2 tomatoes
1 cucumber
½ red onion
The juice of 1 lemon
½ tablespoon ground cumin
3 tablespoons olive oil
A few coriander leaves

A good idea to eat more legumes is to do it in a salad. And if you want to give it a much more exotic touch, serve it, for example, in pita bread as in this recipe for chickpea salad with vegetables and fresh cheese.

It is a vegetarian version of the typical oriental shawarma, but just as balanced and energetic thanks to the substitution of meat for chickpeas. A humble legume rich in vegetable proteins and with great benefits for your health.

Its richness in fiber favors intestinal transit, which helps prevent colon cancer. And since it gives you a lot of energy and it is released slowly, you will feel satisfied for longer.

How to do it step by step

  1. Prepare the vegetables. On one side, peel the tomatoes and the cucumber. And then, cut them in half, remove the seeds, and dice them. On the other, peel the onion and cut it into julienne. And finally, wash and chop the coriander.
  2. Make the vinaigrette. First, mix the lemon juice with the cumin, chopped coriander, salt, and pepper. And then, add the oil while stirring until you achieve a thick vinaigrette.
  3. Add the chickpeas. Rinse, drain, and mix with drained, crumbled cheese, chopped greens, and vinaigrette. Heat the loaves for 3 or 4 minutes in the oven at 2000 and fill them.

Clara trick

To prevent them from softening

Do not fill the loaves too far in advance or put them in the fridge. This way they will not soften before serving.