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Seriously, waking up an hour earlier is going to change your life.

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Getting up early is pretty

Getting up early is pretty

Today there are many movements that defend and practice the "art" of waking up early to achieve better results in the professional field and, also, in personal life. Setting the alarm clock earlier than usual can change your life. Do you want to know how? And above all, how do you get to wake up at least an hour before? Keep reading … You will be surprised.

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Benefits of getting up early

Benefits of getting up early

Waking up earlier than we used to can significantly improve our day-to-day life. Sunrise, at least an hour before, gives us 60 minutes to prepare ourselves for the day physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally.

You can take the time to listen to your favorite music while sipping your coffee, taking advantage of the calm that everyone is sleeping and creating a ritual that is a moment of pleasure for you. You can also save time by tidying up your house a bit, organizing everything you have to do during the day and preparing to start the morning with energy by preparing an easy and healthy breakfast to share with the family.

If you start to wake up earlier and use your time well, you will increase your well-being, raise the tone of your morning, promote joy and calm in your life.

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The 20/20/20 formula

The 20/20/20 formula

One of the greatest exponents of the early morning stream is Robin Sharma , a renowned personal development coach and author of the bestseller The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari . Sharma details in his latest book The 5:00 AM Club “the magic formula” to make the most of your early hours.

How do I put it into practice? The formula basically consists of planning the first 60 minutes of your day in three phases or blocks of twenty minutes that will help you activate your body and fill it with energy through exercise ; connect with yourself and your inner peace through reflection ; and grow on a personal level through reading and training .

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do exercise

do exercise

The first 20 minutes of your day should be dedicated to practicing an intense exercise that makes you sweat and you will see how it revolutionizes the quality of your days.

Activating your body will help you gain concentration and thereby increase your productivity for the rest of the day. But not only that, but in addition to feeling better and reducing stress, you will start the day with more energy and, in the long term, you will gain longevity. The shirt is worth sweating early!

How do I put it into practice? Training may consist of pedaling a stationary bike, doing sets of jumping jacks or squats, skipping rope, or practicing sprinting. It's easier than you think and if you don't want to leave home, we suggest you follow the workouts on our blog The gym at home, easy exercise routines that you can practice in your living room in less than 20 minutes.

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Write a journal

Write a journal

Starting a journal has multiple benefits: it multiplies clarity and focus; activates deliberate gratitude; reinforce learning about yourself on a daily basis; help you realize your strengths; helps you process your low energy emotions to release them, not repress them and feel better; treasure the best experiences of your life; allows you to relive happy moments; elevate your creativity by making you more productive.

How do I put it into practice? The key is basically to write. Start by detailing the commitments you have for that day. Write down the things you want without forgetting to list all the good things that you already have and give thanks for it. Unburden yourself by writing down your frustrations, disappointments, and resentments to get rid of your toxic emotions and negative energies. One of the ways to keep a fashion journal is the Bullet Journal that can help you change your life just with a blank notebook and a pen.

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Practice meditation

Practice meditation

Meditation reduces and slows down aging . Meditating will help you access your natural power, strengthen your self-awareness, reduce stress, fuel your happiness, and restore your inner peace in a world of intense hyperstimulation and over-activity.

How do I put it into practice? Take some time for yourself, if you think that meditation is synonymous with relaxing, you are wrong, it is about being aware without judgment of what is happening. You can meditate at home by following guided meditations that you will find on YouTube or specific apps. If you want to get started in meditation, read the advice of the psychologist Rafael Santandreu on her blog for Clara: Be happy.

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Develop your potential

Develop your potential

With such a tight schedule, between work, family and leisure time, it is very difficult for us to find time for reading, training and personal development that we need so much and it does us so well on a personal and professional level. " Peace of mind is the new luxury of our society." And if you get up earlier you will be able to dedicate at least twenty minutes to cultivating your interior, reviewing your goals and in this way feeling better and increasing your confidence in yourself.

How do I put it into practice? You can spend time reading a book that improves your knowledge about the lives of characters that inspire you or an article that helps you improve your professional skills. If you prefer, you can listen to a motivational conference or watch a video on how to improve some aspect of your personal, spiritual or professional life.

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Rituals that will help you get up an hour earlier (and sleep better)

Rituals that will help you get up an hour earlier (and sleep better)

To get up early, it will be helpful to start adopting some rituals the night before. Try to make the last meal of the day as soon as possible and start to disconnect from the noise by turning off all electronic devices, yes, the mobile included! Get your old alarm clock back, it will help you disconnect from social networks before going to sleep, you will appreciate it.

Before going to bed is the perfect time to disconnect from technology and connect with your loved ones. Take the opportunity to talk with them or if you prefer, or you live alone, spend this time mediating, reading or relaxing with a bath of salts. The important thing is to begin to establish a climate of calm, tranquility and tranquility.

How do I put it into practice? To get up earlier you have to go to bed earlier , at first it may cost you but with willpower and organization you will end up getting used to it.

Prepare a cool, dark room without technology to rest better. Organize everything you need for the next day : your sports clothes, clothes to go to work, breakfast, the tupper … So you will have everything ready, you will not be overwhelmed and you will not waste more time the next morning.

In bed, reflect on your day, practice gratitude, and until the next day!

Photo by Vladislav Muslakov via Unsplash

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