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The zasca de marta turned to his followers for his nude photo


Social networks burn in controversy day in and day out as well. The last to have to give explanations for publishing a certain photo has been Marta Torné. The actress yesterday uploaded a beautiful photo of her vacation in the Maldives. In it, Marta appears naked, covering her private parts with her hands. It is a photo in which you can see her 100% natural and fully enjoying the relaxation of a few days in paradise.

As usual, some of her followers have fiercely criticized her for posting these types of photos. A user has accused her of uploading this photo to gain followers:

Comment to which Marta has responded with a full-blown zasca:

As Marta has explained well, she does not publish this type of photos to gain likes, but because she wants to. And period. No further justification is needed. However, the criticism has not stopped there, another user has attacked her for having lost weight and wanting to share it

Olé, Marta! What this user says is a women shaming like the top of a pine tree. If a woman has lost weight (or not) and wants to share it with the rest of the world, what is the problem?