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The zasca of elena furiase in this photo of marta torné is epic

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It is not the first time that we read insults on social networks and it is that girls like Sara Carbonero or Paula Echevarría have to endure criticism day in and day out and from Clara we ask ourselves, when will we have enough?

Now it is Marta Torné's turn and after uploading this photo to her Instagram profile, the critics did not wait …

We have read comments on your profile that make us get goosebumps and it is that people have nothing else to do? If you don't like the photo or you don't think this is Marta's body or you don't like her hair, stop following her. It would be healthier for everyone if we stopped criticizing each other without rhyme or reason.

These are some of the pearls that have been left in Marta Torné's profile, how bored, right?

Reading such pearls, aren't you lazy about these people? Buff!

Elena Furiase defends Marta Torné

Fortunately, not all the comments have been negative and we have seen, for example, Goya Toledo, Máxim Huerta, Natalia Verbeke or Pelayo defending and praising Marta. Some have even gone further, such as the case of Elena Furiase who has left a super comment defending the presenter and actress. Olé for her!

"How beautiful how we women unite when someone is abused or killed and how they criticize each other when they simply touch the color of their skin a little … and it is spectacular !!! Let's see how many of these who chat They both take a photo like this and prefer a freshly raised one …. come on come on !!!! Also! I'm not in favor of photoshop when they change your body … but I have practically seen @marta_torne naked and she has that body !! Regardless of whoever weighs it … If we are united in the bad, we are united in the good! And don't be so critical man … "

In addition, giving a good example of her naturalness, Marta Torné posted in her stories a photo in which it was appreciated that the image she had posted did not differ so much from reality.

As if this were not enough, the actress was also the target of many insults and scorn a few days ago when she uploaded a photo without makeup to her Instagram. Many accused her of wearing makeup base and mascara, among others.

From here we want to encourage all these haters and trolls to take a vacation and start 2019 with more positivity and less desire to criticize. Let's see if the Christmas spirit takes hold of them and we can stop reading this type of comment on social networks.

Merry Christmas!