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Christian bale unrecognizable in 'the vice of power'

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Popcorn and cinema

Popcorn and cinema

Friday is our favorite day of the week and it is the prelude to the weekend and it is the perfect time to go to the movies. Today we are not planning to miss the premiere of 'The Vice of Power' with (an unrecognizable) Christian Bale, Amy Adams, Steve Carell, Sam Rockwell and Tyler Perry. If you are a movie fan, you should buy your tickets now because this movie looks VERY good.

Photo by @vicemovie

Christian bale as Dick cheney

Christian bale as Dick cheney

In this way you will see Christian Bale in this new movie. The actor has put himself in the shoes of Richard Cheney, who was the 46th vice president of the United States under George W. Bush in the White House, between 2001 and 2009. Very involved in the Iraq War, he is considered as the man in the shadows, after the decisions of President Bush.

People photo

Past laps

Past laps

We hallucinate with the physical changes of the actors and actresses! In this case, although Christian Bale said on occasion that he would never again undergo a radical change - he remembers that in the film El Maquinista he weighed 55 kilos while in American Hustle he reached 110, for example -, it seems that he did not. has fulfilled. To get into the role of vice president, he has put on more than 20 kilos.

"I don't know why I did this again. I said I couldn't do it again, but that bastard Adam McKay wrote such a good script that I couldn't refuse ," Bale told Reuters.

Although this scene you see in the photo appears in the trailer, it will not appear in the movie due to "excess footage", in the words of the director. In it we see Bale shirtless and in his underpants, talking to Steve Carell or, what is the same, Donald Rumsfeld (Secretary of Defense of the Bush administration). Very top!

Amy adams

Amy adams

Another who is quite unrecognizable is Amy Adams. The gorgeous actress is characterized as Lynne Cheney, Dick Cheney's wife. What a hairstyle!

the perfect couple

the perfect couple

The truth is that we love both actors and (despite such looks), they make a super good couple. We already saw them in The Fighter and The Great American Scam , so we love seeing them together again ❤️

Sam Rockwell as Bush

Sam Rockwell as Bush

Another characterization that has caught our attention is that of Sam Rockwell. The actor - who won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for Three Ads on the Outskirts last year - is a stickler for former President George W. Bush, judge for yourself. In the last edition of the Golden Globes he was nominated for Best Supporting Actor as well, but he did not manage to win the statuette, will he win the Oscar again in 2019?

He took the Golden Globe

He took the Golden Globe

Not long ago the 76th edition of the Golden Globes was celebrated and Christian Bale took the statuette for Best Actor in a Comedy or Musical. Now we have to wait if the Academy also recognizes his role in the next Oscar gala.

Adam McKay at the helm

Adam McKay at the helm

The director of the film, Adam McKay, also directed the movie The Big Short - which earned him the Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay - where he also coincided with Steve Carell. McKay has, along with Will Ferrell, a humor website called Funny or Die and although he has always been linked to humor, he is not bad at making movies like The Vice of Power !

The premiere of the week

The premiere of the week

If after this walk through some of the characters and the plot of The Vice of Power , we do not know what will convince you to go to the cinema to see it. We, just in case, go to the entrances, we don't want to run out!

Do not miss the trailer for the movie The Vice of Power .