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The dress that jennifer lopez has worn on her 50th birthday is very strong

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JLo is the most. We were already clear about it before but when we saw the outfit that was marked last night to celebrate its 50th birthday we have finished surrendering at its feet. And not because we especially like it or it seems elegant to us but because you have to have a lot of confidence in yourself to put on such a dress and get away with it. Jennifer Lopez is one of the few women in the world capable of it, there is no doubt.

Jennifer Lopez's craziest dress to celebrate her birthday

Let's face it, she could literally wear any dress she wanted because she has no problems with the budget or anything but she goes and chooses one of the most peculiar to attend, no less, than her 50th birthday party . And you may or may not like the outfit in question but you have to be a boss to put it on and she certainly is. Here you have the design in question.

And we are freaking out because we can think of a lot of references to define her dress. At first it reminded us of a gladiator armor, then we remembered the sexy outfit of Princess Leia in Star Wars because of the long skirt with the fastener but look, it does not matter, because she is unique and although not be the most elegant look in the world, Jennifer looks like no one else, and has a great body for it. So we can only applaud their daring. Good for JLo.