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Trick to fall asleep fast in 60 seconds

Table of contents:


Step 1

Step 1

Close your eyes. Place the tip of your tongue on top of the inside of your upper teeth. Leave it there all the time.

Step 2

Step 2

Exhale through your mouth, like making a buzzing sound.

Step 3

Step 3

Then close your mouth, breathe slowly through your nose, and count to four.

Step 4

Step 4

Hold your breath for a count of seven.

Step 5

Step 5

Now, exhale for a count of eight, and make the buzzing sound again.

Step 6

Step 6

Repeat the same process 3 times.

Step 7

Step 7

Have you fallen asleep …?

Do you fall asleep but wake up frequently?

Do you fall asleep but wake up frequently?

Then you have to download our free ebook with techniques to sleep better.

On the Internet there are many tricks to fall asleep quickly, but there is one that stands out. It's called the “4-7-8” technique and it's a super simple exercise that has been spread by Dr. Andrew Weil, a specialist in integrative and holistic medicine, and the author of several personal growth best sellers.

Although the initial theory is that the combination of seconds allows you to receive more oxygen than normal and that makes you relax, what we can be sure of is that when we breathe deeply and calmly, our whole body relaxes and we begin to disconnect.

The same creator of the “4-7-8” method recommends practicing this trick for a month at a time since this way we will be able to master it perfectly. In addition, it is a relaxation technique that we can apply at any time of the day if we are too stressed or accelerated.

Good habits for better sleep

  • Always stick to a routine and try to go to sleep at the same time each day.
  • Foods that contain tryptophan help you relax: milk, banana, pineapple, eggs, chicken …
  • After dinner, forget about your mobile and any screen. The alarm clock, better battery operated.
  • If you are having a hard time falling asleep, don't look at what time it is and don't toss and turn. Read for a while, for example.
  • Try not to get hot in your room.