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The infallible trick so that your house always smells good and clean

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If you've come this far, it's because you're obsessed with your home being a place that smells great . It happens to me too, I've been in love with smells all my life! For me it is essential that each room is intoxicated with that clean perfume and I have spent half my life looking for tricks to get that comforting aroma in my home and, most difficult, in a lasting way. I've tried a thousand things and some work, but, horror, the good smell in most cases goes away within a few minutes. Until I found the key, and at minimal cost.

I recently shared this TRICK on social networks so that my house smells like never before and, I assure you, I have never been so successful with an Instagram story. The response was immediate and the reception brutal. I wanted to rescue it for you.

The trick to make your home ALWAYS smell clean

It has never been so easy to get all the bad smells in a house to be camouflaged and each room has that smell of clean clothes that evokes us to the house of our mother or our grandmother . What do we need? A saucepan, water and, poof, a splash of fabric softener. Scent pearls for clothes also work great.

As it is. The ultimate trick for your home to always smell good is to boil water in a saucepan or pot with a plug of fabric softener (whichever you like the most, whether it be a floral, childish, citrus, sweet smell …) . You have to let it boil for a little while until a lot of smoke comes out, impregnated with the smell that almost magically spreads throughout the house. What I do is, being very careful not to burn myself, walk with the saucepan through all the rooms of the house so that the curtains, the sofa or the bed are impregnated with that unmistakable clean smell. It really works and everyone who enters the house confirms it. As if in each room there were clothes hanging, well that. And at a very low cost, because who doesn't have fabric softener at home?

You can also fill glasses (for example, the glass yogurt that we all have in the cupboard) and put them for a while hidden around the rooms. How delicious everything smells! And no candles or air fresheners, hey!

Of course, so that your house smells good, do not forget to ventilate it daily and keep it clean. Write down these tricks so that it always smells clean, use textile air fresheners (you will notice the difference) and thoroughly clean kitchen surfaces and, very important, the garbage can! Surely you also have your infallible home tricks, tell us about them!